Obviously, it's undemocratic that the U.S. media is portraying Hilary Clinton to be the worthy candidate over Bernie Sanders when many of polls are showing Bernie to be preferable (1). However, that is just a small piece of the puzzle.
It reminded me of John Kerry not contesting the Florida vote in 2004 when obviously something was terribly wrong with the voting process (2). Back then I was naive and ignorant. I didn't know who John Kerry was. As a soldier in Vietnam Kerry killed so many civilians that his superior stated "We had virtually to straitjacket him to keep him under control" (3). Kerry went on becoming a politician supporting many colonial wars that have killed millions. I innocently wondered why he wouldn't fight evil Bush. In 2009, during a negotiation with Afghan president Karzai, Kerry admitted that it was more important for him to get behind the Bush presidency than to take a politically divisive position (4).
John Kerry didn't fight Bush for the same reason why Bernie Sanders doesn't fight Hillary Clinton. They help each other, like Bernie helping out Hillary about her email. By the way, one of my Facebook friends, Airika Dollner, just posted an intriguing stuff on this:
"I just had a revelation..... Hillary Clinton was the Senator of NY when 9/11 happened....... her emails revealed that Bush planned war in Iraq with Blair a year previous to everything...... and Bernie Sanders just declared during the debate that he and 'America' was tired of hearing about her emails. Just wow. I am Airika, America, and I'm NOT tired of hearing about it."
Bush, Kerry, Clinton, Sanders and others, they all work for the same people in the same imperial code of values and rules. Yes, they might disagree with matters within the imperial framework just as our spouses might yell at us once in a while. But in the bigger scheme of the matter, they help each other to protect the framework of an expanding neo-feudal hegemony.
Many would contest such an idea saying that Bernie is anti-war, anti-Wall Street, anti-racism, he is for the people and so on. How could he be an imperialist? He is a professional politician who has survived the hierarchy of money and violence by balancing the rhetoric for the people and the demands of the empire while closely working with one of the two parties: the Democratic party (5), (6). If we pay attention, we can spot the anomalies that connect the contour of the imperial machine: his Russophobic remarks, his strong position against China, his rightwing immigration view, his willingness to vote for the three-strikes law, his defense of Israel, his fearmongering rhetoric on ISIS (which grew out of the violent US policies to begin with) (7), (8), (9), (10). In addition, he has advocated for the Saudi bombings of Yemen and the bombing of Syria, and supported the drone wars (11), (12), (13). Moreover, he thinks that Snowden should face trial in the U.S., and so on and on (15), (16), (17), (18).
Like I've said elsewhere, Bernie is like a tiny fractal image of the US empire. He is for equality, justice and freedom as long as we do it within the framework of Western market capitalism backed by militarism, colonialism and corporatism. In other words, incremental changes and reforms for the people can be set aside as soon as they go beyond the imperial structure.
That's why we have the Patriot Act (Freedom Act), NDAA, TPP, TISA, TTIP, NSA surveillance, undisclosed 28 pages of the 9/11 report, and so on. Thousands of people are dying where wars were supposed to be ended; people are being executed by remote-controlled planes without any due process whatsoever. Somehow the executive branch now has the power to start war without any congressional approvals, and war crimes are OK but whistleblowers are prosecuted like at no other time in the history of this nation. Any one of these things can be a grave threat to the supposed foundation of the nation. However, an unspoken alliance of ruling elites, elected officials, multinational industries, media, bureaucrats, and others keep those shackles and chains on our democratic will. Our society sits directly on the evolutionary path of a feudal empire.
It's no mystery that the Constitutional protections of human rights, civil-rights law, banking regulations, sovereignty of nations, and other basic values and rules have become hollow and ineffective across the globe. And these things are not isolated maladies. The enormous cost of maintaining the 1400 US military bases, global surveillance, a few dozen spy agencies, multiple wars, and so on take a toll on our daily lives. They affect us as economic strangulation, intensified racism and xenophobia, breakdown of our legal codes and values, imprisonment of dissidents, police violence, wholesale disregard for lives of poor and minorities and so on. And those symptoms feed the vicious cycle of restructuring of our social fabric and governmental structures according to special interests of the ruling elites.
The imperialists know the shape of the imperial cage. The rules and standards are set to perpetuate the imprisonment of humanistic values and our lives within it and to perpetrate the undemocratic rule of unjust laws, a racial and economic caste system, debt slavery and colonial wars. These criminal schemes take our inalienable rights to our lives and our planet hostage. And those criminals use them as bargaining chips to preserve their reign. As long as they keep building and fixing the cage, humanistic values, basic human-rights laws, any legal structures of governance and so on, remain empty promises, lies and deceptions to prop up the enormity of the imperial cage.
It is imperative that we the people stop supporting the imperialists and their insidious act of feudalism. The shape of our society, the shape of our species, must be determined by our democratic will based on humanistic values, not by the systematic collusion of imperialists forcing their hierarchy of greed and violence upon us.
(1) click here
(2) www.michaelparenti.org/stolenelections.html
(3) click here