And this is the organization that has more influence over gun policy than any other in the USA?! Are we out of our friggin' minds? That's about as sane as appointing Osama Bin Laden to run the CIA.
Finally, however, a few public officials are beginning to stand up to the gun-nut lobby. Colorado Senator Angela Giron is facing down a firestorm of NRA ("Proud sponsor of domestic terror since 1871") funded vituperation in her efforts to introduce a few sane, simple regulations on guns, ammo, and trigger-happy gun nuts.
This sort of responsible political leadership is long, looonnggg, loooooooonnngggg overdue.
Also, I should emphasize that I am far more concerned about the welfare of kids than the trivial "liberties" of wacked-out gun enthusiasts. If NRA-types can't control their fellow gun nuts, then responsible governmental officials will simply have to--because the damnable NRA has certainly never done so. Heck, if the truth be told, the NRA has done precisely the opposite. If it was within the power of the NRA to guarantee the safety of school kids in the existing laissez faire guns-and-ammo environment, then I would be happy to leave well enough alone. But, in reality, the scum-sucking NRA has done nothing but hold the door wide open to the most extreme forms of gun abuse. How many weapons was James Eagan Holmes--the NRA poster-child who shot up an Aurora, Colorado movie theater (12 dead, 58 wounded!) on July, 20, 2012--able to stockpile without raising the slightest suspicions among local authorities?
Thanks to the NRA, gun laws in the US are so loose that law enforcement has been helpless to prevent psychopaths who, practically like clockwork, go on horrific killing sprees. Given the body count that the NRA has ruthlessly racked up, I'd say it was high time that the NRA got its comeuppance.
While, I support every piece of gun control legislation that is currently under consideration across the US, I don't think any of the existing bills go nearly far enough. Murder is a crime, right? Mass murder is an even bigger crime and (Do you see where I'm going with this...?), the NRA has been a principal accomplice in thousands of gun-related murders every year since its founding in 1871. No other single entity is responsible for as much murder and mayhem throughout the USA as the NRA. Therefore, in the interests of peace, justice and public safety, I think it essential that we begin charging the NRA for the crimes that it commits. From now on, every time that some innocent bystander gets killed or injured with a gun that the NRA has proudly put in a criminal's hands, the NRA should be charged and tried as an accomplice in the crime .
That seems only fair to me. If the NRA insists upon facilitating gun-related crimes, then the NRA should darn well be prepared to face the music. Other far less prolific sponsors of violent crime and domestic terror are daily subject to prosecution, so, why should the NRA get off scot free?
The plain truth is, they shouldn't.
Politicians may not be perfect, but I trust well-intentioned legislators to protect the safety of law-abiding citizens much more so than the NRA gun-nut lobby--which has time and time again sided with the wackos who are shooting up our streets, schools, movie theaters, etc.
Americans will never have the peace and security that they deserve until, as a right-minded Democratic nation, we empower ourselves to start locking up the country's most dangerous criminals. Therefore, I urge legislators all across the country to follow Senator Angela Giron's courageous lead--and, in fact, do her one better!--by passing the necessary legislation to prosecute everyone associated with the heinous crimes that the NRA has committed, as well as the monstrous criminals that it suckles at its hollow-tipped teat.
Until then, every innocent that the NRA kills will be that much more blood on the hands of cowardly politicians.