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The Malinche Code

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molly cruz
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What's the rush?

Do you feel it? The urgency in every broadcast; the competition everywhere, teams playing ball, countries playing other countries; who's the best? Who can say? What are we fighting for? How will we know when we get there? What is an enemy? Where are they? How do we defeat them? What does it mean when you can look at somebody and tell where they came from? Is racial diversity a touchstone for conflict and intolerance, or a natural imperative?

Russia was down, but orbited the Earth before anyone else. Scientists have neatly transcended borders and ethnic boundaries because they have their eyes on the ball, and very few people like themselves to talk to. They are the meek that have already inherited the Earth; because it is they who will save it and redeem us all.

Because ironically, we might destroy it before we save it; this is a two pronged plea; and not really a plea for anything in particular to happen, but a plea for a retake on who and what we are, so that we can raise proud children, who at the moment are bearing the brunt of all the ugly lessons coming home to roost in the form of global pollution and tyranny. They are depressed and I don't blame them. For one thing there are obviously too many of us; but that is because so few of us have the smarts to put rockets in the air. And this constant push to acquire weapons of mass destruction on the part of almost every emerging industrialized culture"what's that all about? To say nothing of the urge to industrialize, when an agrarian society living carefully is a far more healthy approach, if living healthily were all. But it's not.

I believe that we are actually angels, here to keep life on the planet, and that we are not responsible for our compulsively paranoid, aggressive past, because that was all a plot to keep us working on tools the planet needs to fend off the fiery balls that have a way of spoiling all the neat stuff that seems to invent itself here every twenty thousand years or so.

By some urge-- and it is that very urge that I worship, because it is the most mysterious force here or anywhere--life keeps on coming, rounding itself out, elaborating on what might have served. It could have restrained itself to a simple cell floating in the blue, but no; things bloom that have no excuse, save delight. Marvelous frills, flowing with light, casually consuming their edible neighbors, be they green or pink, flora or fauna. The rest of the Universe, the cold hard facts that surround us and extend ad infinitum, seems mindless and brutal, a flawed and over-wound contraption with springs and nuts and bolts flying off in every direction. Unpredictable and lovely from a great distance no doubt; but there is no sign of Life out there. So far, only Mars offers a surface not entirely hostile; but it'd have to be totally altered for us to survive it, and so would we.

How do we sustain a World Without End, Amen? When those prayers were first uttered, Prayer was all we had as an antidote for the Cosmos' hostile imperative. Now, thanks to the our contentious natures, we have weapons so grandiose they may actually be able to handle the incoming fiery messages from the Beyond. We no longer see an angry, vengeful God, punishing us for the very sins that will bail us out of the merry-go-round of evolution that has in the past reduced us to jelly time and again, each hit recorded deep within our beings, in the soft digital stuff that fills our every single cell.

Instead, and with that same, built-in apprehension, we see a new beginning, a time of diversion, and we should be aiming our Missile Defense Morality at its true target, the Heavens.

We can scrap the notion of enemies, since we are all brothers and always were. But it has served us well, this animosity, and the weapons that have resulted, far too glorious and toxic for use on Earth. The Real Enemy is soaring swiftly and complacently our way, and a simple nudge can defer it; and now we've got the goods to deliver the nudge. Who can deny the authenticity of this challenge? And how, without trying to annihilate one another for several thousand years, could we ever have accomplished it? This charming irony and its appreciation should alleviate the self-hatred that is accumulating among us for our very selves, as on the face of it, we have undeniably created quite a mess. We should instead be celebrating our brilliance and the absurd manner in which we have evolved to be the best Bouncers the Earth could conceive. We will save the planet, or its life at least, and fulfill our destiny as the ultimate peacekeepers.
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Born in Long Island public school year in Sweden as exchange student, went to Harvard one year, Cooper Union in NYC as Art student. Have two children, one of whom is rock mogul, the other has three daughters, one of whom has two daughters, making me (more...)
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