So now the jobs numbers come out and the report is that America has lost 85,ooo jobs last month. But wait there is good news, or at least that is what some are reporting, the unemployment rate is still 10%.
Well if you believe that then you are as dumb as the government and the managed media hopes you are.
So how can the unemployment numbers stay the same when you continually lose a gazillion jobs?
The media reported unemployment rate continually excludes those that have lost all hope and have given up on looking for a job.
....The sharp drop in the work force -- 661,000 fewer people -- showed that more of the jobless are giving up. Once people stop looking for jobs, they're no longer counted among the unemployed....Source:
But the real unemployment rate is somewhere near 18% if you believe the other government statistic that include those that have given up on finding a job. But quite honestly, those numbers are likely rigged because the government loves to lie with numbers.
Still, we don't need economic numbers to know how bad things are. What we do need is an honest appraisal by those in power of the desperation that exists. Once we get a true appraisal, we need a systemic change in the economy and in society that allows for all Americans to share in the wealth of the country.
We are not going to get any real change in the system from the puppets of our financial rulers. Instead people are going to have to demand a real change.
Someday things will likely get bad enough that people will no longer be able to take the lies of the government and their lap dog accomplices in the managed media.
How much suffering will have to occur for people to actually demand a real change?
I don't have that answer.
But the government knows that people will not likely put up with the rip offs, abuse, and brutalization forever. That is why over the last decade, under the guise of the war on terror, the government has been systematically building a technological police state.
They would rather enslave you than be fair with you.