The United States of America died on April 2, 2014. It expired in a silence that was earsplitting. It did not disappear because of an attack from another country. It did not end at the hand of terrorists. It self-destructed in a form of suicide predicted by its founders, and executed by its own government.
A few quotes from our founding fathers, and our greatest president:
"Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide."
John Adams
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies."
Thomas Jefferson
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
What was the cause of our beloved country's death? Greed. It was hidden behind organizations with titles such as "Citizens United," and "Citizens for Prosperity." What they actually are composed of are lobbyists representing the one percent of America; its wealthiest citizens.
The Supreme Court of the United States was established as the third of the check and balance systems to insure that none of the three would be able to exercise dictatorial power. It was not intended to be controlled by a political party. Today, 4/2/2014, that all changed, and democracy died a quiet but irreversible death.
In a partisan vote of five to four, Republican controlled justices decreed that individuals can contribute as much money as they wish to a political party. In other words, the wealthy can buy elections, and they alone will decide who governs our country.
Unfortunately men and women of my age group who have been involved and are knowledgeable regarding the political structure of our country have foreseen this as a definite possibility. The emergence and growing power of lobbies has changed the effectiveness of our government to make decisions which affect all of the nation's people. Corruption is the norm, and morality does not exist in our Nation's Capital.
From this day forward, votes have no meaning in elections. Because most voters believe the blatant lies they see on television ads, they will vote for the person who most effectively ministers negative and fallacious commercials. Democracy no longer exists. Money and money alone will decide who wins elections.
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