To heal or not to heal that is the question. Do we ignore the suffering of those who have had their lives torn apart with a major disaster? The recent earthquake in Haiti is a case in question. I find it appalling that someone would say to the world that 'they' deserved it because 'they' had made a pact with the Devil. That is ignorance and bigotry at its worse. Unfortunately, there are those in the world who have the same mentality. There are also people who care and donate to disaster causes and that is admirable. I also find it admirable that so many are responding to the needs of those who did not die during this devastating earthquake.
What do we do about healing this gigantic wound? We may heal the wounds of the body, but how does one heal the wounds of the mind, of the soul? In the early 1980's, I was a program director for a holistic health center in southern California and there was one modality, which I found was beneficial for those who lived some distance away. This can be called 'long distance healing.'
Having studied quantum physics, I do understand that we live in a world of energy and it is invisible. We only see and experience the results. There have been great successes of healing long distance even though the one sending the healing energy may not be known by the receiver. One can also give this the label of "Anonymous Healing." For those in Haiti and elsewhere, each of us can become quiet and by closing our eyes, to visualize the devastated area of Haiti and send the energy of unconditional love. If there is a photo of someone on the news or Internet, one can place the memory of that face in the front lobe of the brain and radiate it with love. It will find its target. Miracles can happen. We can do this for anyone whether it is family or friends.
While I was program director for the holistic health center, I learned much about the various healing modalities. I realized that they all work and they all do not work meaning that I observed and learned that some people were healed while others were not. I thought of this over the past thirty years and realize that there are some people who do not subconsciously want to be healed. Why?
I have learned through my own experiences that my own emotions and what I think affect the cells of my body. We hold our old emotions of resentment, hate, fear, lack of worth in our cells. During my tenure with the holistic center, I attended a healing group session in the home of the noted Louise L. Hay. It was dynamic and she wrote a small booklet titled "Heal Your Body," in which she gives the causations for physical illness. This helped me tremendously to take a look at the cause for many of my illnesses I had from the time I was a child and to change my attitudes , my mind. From this has come my own healings and love of self. I also have come to allow and love other people.
I have also observed the mushrooming of sick people in this country. As a nation, we have given our power away to the various pharmaceutical companies, medical doctors as well as the genetically engineered food creators and suppliers.
In order to correct this, we take our power back. We begin to think for ourselves. There is an ancient statement, which applies to our situations today, "It is done unto you, as you believe." Another statement is "As a man/woman thinks, so it is." In other words, our thoughts and choice of words matter and they create our health. The ancients understood quantum physics. However, I will not go into this now only to say if you watched the movie "What the Bleep," you will understand.
This is why it is important to forgive the past hurts and people. It is important to listen to the chatter that runs through our brain and discover our judgments, our prejudices, our hate, our anger and our resentments. Too many people miss the beauty of life and go to the grave with these unresolved issues. As an example, here is Louise Hay's interpretation of cancer: "Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Long standing resentment. Deep hurt." Another one for Diabetes: "Deep sense of sorrow. No sweetness to life." Heart Problems: "Serious emotional problems, long standing. Lack of joy, rejection of life. Belief in strain and pressure." Influenza: "Response to mass negativity and beliefs. Fear. Belief in statistics." "Liver Problems: Depression, repression, Chronic complaints. Liver is the seat of anger." This list is only a few of her interpretations.
An acquaintance of mine developed a severe liver challenge that became so severe that a liver transplant was not possible. As an example of love, another acquaintance of mine by the name of Cynthia McKenna created a beautiful and dynamic YouTube video regarding the healing of Christina Zohs. This is the epitome of love and perhaps it contains the miracle cure for Christina. The message in the video is applicable for each of us and we can use it for the healing of others. Please view this and pass it on.
From Cynthia McKenna: