Approximately one decade ago, a cartoon was demarcated in well-known New York Times consisting of notions, "To rule Pakhtuns, buy them, to rule Balochis, respect them, and to rule Punjabis, occupy them." This was very important research, made by foreign organization on the mindset of Pakistani ethnic groups.
On one hand, it represents the thorough yearning for self-respect the Balochis ever welcome and require. Whereas it reveals the intensive energies burnt by the foreign individuals and organizations to understand how the different segments in Pakistan society conceive. Much was written and said against the said notion, envisaged in the newspaper. However, this research has bought again much significance when very recently, a plot is unveiled in text books in Punjab.
The Pakistani educational institutes in Punjab are witnessed with books, stuffed with disgracing remarks for their Balochi brothers. It is reported in fact to maintain them as "uncivilized people." Hence with, the relationship between ideas, respect Balochis to rule them and terming them now in Punjab's curriculum as uncivilized is deep rooted. Logically, it means that the demonstration of respect to Balochis is to strengthen the federal government. Being non-respectful to them, on the parallel hand, is to weaken the federal rule. Now, to define these Balochs as uncivilized is to disrespect them, it means to weaken the Pakistani federation is sought at the hands of the black sheep hidden in the thickly layers of national horizons. This may not be the part of national policy. However, it is viciously sought and planted by the conspirators. Essentially, this is a heinous act that a patriotic can never ignore whether it is the sitting government or a common national. Furthermore, the very awful man-oeuvre is engineered before the PMLN government, which does not exhaust to claim to be indigenous and patriot. Therefore, it is mandatory for the said government to oust the disgraceful notion from the textual books to materialize their patriotism on one hand and deepen the national integrity on the other. Otherwise they don't deserve to continue the government simply because the protection of national interest is the prime liability of a government. The senator Raja Zafar ul Haq has timely urged to forge a committee which should do utmost efforts to disclose and uproot the responsible elements who heinously committed a crime against the nation. Nonetheless, it should be observed that the said committee should not go ashtray as the previous commissions met with un-concluding termination.
This is also understandable when the CPEC mega project is destined to integrate Balochistan with the entire country and bolster the living standard of a common Bloch; the mentioned plot is to overturn the impacts of the CPEC. Therefore, the efforts must be made to remove the hateful material from the book and cope with the responsible elements with iron hand so that such covert plots may never take place in future.