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robert braunstein
Message robert braunstein
They play to the crowd,
They always feel your pain;
They can be eloquent,
They leave the homeless in the rain.
They believe in incremental change,
They hear everybody's side;
When confronted with power,
They disappear and hide.
They speak with great passion,
And peace evermore;
They authorize the money
For every war.
They beg for your vote,
For change you can believe;
If you're gullible enough
And easy to deceive.
They play to the crowd,
They are always polite;
They ask for your patience,
And they sleep well at night.
They will fight for the people,
In a civilized way;
When the check comes,
It is you that will pay.
They speak of change,
But the time is never right;
They know how you feel,
They try to sound contrite;
They abhor confrontation,
They accept sad defeat;
They never get angry,
They stare at their feet.
They play to the crowd,
They always feel your pain;
They look like movie stars,
They leave the homeless in the rain.
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Masters degree in social work. Activist 40 years worth. Favorite quote, "we had to destroy the city to save it" hobbies taxidermy,music,saving souls and respirating
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