The Patriot Act says" Title VIII alters the definitions of terrorism, and establishes or re-defines rules with which to deal with it. It redefined the term "domestic terrorism" to broadly include mass destruction as well as assassination or kidnapping as a terrorist activity. The definition also encompasses activities that are "dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State" and are intended to "intimidate or coerce a civilian population," "influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion," or are undertaken "to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction...Wikipedia.
It is also clear now through the testimony of Scott McClellan that the Bush Administration was involved in a conspiracy to expose and destroy the covert front company of Valerie Plame's fake energy company Brewster-Jennings. (Very convenient and devious to have the foresight to takeout our nation's number one source of nuclear prolifireration intelligence regarding Iran now that the phoney war drums are banging once again.)
Plame's covert front company, perhaps the one of the most difficult and dangerous of all CIA operations, took many years and many millions of our tax payer dollars to set-up and maintain. It's activities and management ala' Valerie Plame carried with it no diplomatic immunities or protections. Operatives were killed as a result of the administrations treasoness betrayal and a very valuable intelligence voice in accurate Middle Eastern WMD knowledge silenced forever. Treason by no other name. The 'intelligence failure' scapegoat remains alive and well with Bush/Cheney (first 911, then Iraq WMD, and now Iran Nukes).
Why the Obama and the democrats can't blast the GOP talking points out of the water is beyond comprehension. Senator Rockefeller's report which clearly states the Bush Administration intentionally manipulated intelligence on Iraq is devastating to the GOP. How can there possibly be a victory in Iraq when the entire premise of this illegal invasion was founded on false witness and lies? How can our nation's spirit accept the attempted theft of a soveriegn nation's resources through a no-bid oil law imposed by puppets hidden in the Green Zone that benefits only US companies? How can we stand by and allow Bush/Cheney to expose our CIA agents?
How can there be honor for our nation or our troops when the entire foundation of this invasion rests on a criminal foundation of corruption, conspiracy, and decietful propaganda that was puposefully intended to scare and manipulate the U.S. population?
Immediate withdrawal and massive funding for the repariation for Bush's atrocities (including but not limited too, lying us into war, shock and awe urban bombing, war profiteering, and the use of banned munitions such as depleted uranium and white sulphorus) is the only thing that can restore our Nation's dignity and soul.