To get to the full putrid depth of the vast corrupt murderous sink hole that was the 'The Republicans In Charge' we have to delve into the secret Energy Task Force Meetings of Dick Cheney. Here in these meetings probably lies the foundation for the Bush/Cheney/Corporate war crime. Supposedly Iraq was sliced up and an invasion planned. Their goal, destroy the legal Iraqi oil contracts with France and Russia and replace them with our own. A criminal theft of a more obvious nature is hard to fathom.
Now to further turn our stomachs in disgust, we learn that torture was used to force a link between Al Qaeda and Iraq. How sick can you get? Torture people to create lies to justify an immoral and illegal war of aggression and occupation. If this information isn't enough for all of us to demand justice then we as a Nation are hopelessly lost.
We know that Cheney and Rumsfield and other neo-cons (Ala the Project for The New American Century position papers) had wet dreamed a paper on how great a terrorist attack would be for their cause. And we know that 911 answered and galvanized these prayers by rescuing a tanking Presidency and lighting the fire under our 'just a piece of paper' Constitution that Bush and Co. so despise.
How can we explain unhit Tower 7 falling at 5:30 PM that evening with only small fires inside? Demolitions planted in advance while it was occupied clearly indicates a prior knowledge of the attack and evidence of a conspiracy beyond a doubt...Tower 7 WTF? Where's the media on this one? Utterly worthless. Bush was warned about Terrorist attacks and did nothing and delayed a discredited investigation of 911 for 16 months? Are we fools or what? It's becoming increasingly clear who the real terrorists are and how this criminal enterprise operated. (See architects and engineers for 911 Truth,
We know that Enron hosted the Taliban in Texas in the months preceding 911 and that the 44 million dollars the Bush Administration gave to the Taliban for 'poppy eradication' did not seem to be enough to grease the skids for the Unocal/Enron/Halliburton pipeline to promote the rapid development of Caspian Sea energy outside of Russian control. Enron and cohorts were trying to shove through Afghanistan a pipeline but the Taliban where in the way. It's very suspect how the Taliban's refusal to allow the gas pipeline unless we paid more became mute when we invaded and built the pipeline anyway after 911. It's also very convenient that US military bases now shadow the pipeline as opposed to the expanding heroin trade routes which we seem to care nothing about. It's also revealing that the FBI does not even have Osama Bin Laden on the wanted list sighting lack of evidence?
It is clear the Bush Administration trumped up and fixed facts around a policy to justify an economy breaking illegal war of invasion and occupation. One that they and their corporate cronies have profitted hugely from. It is highly probable that the oil companies where in collusion on this mission to steal Iraqis oil. We must get to the bottom of the corporate knowledge behind this war crime and hold them accountable for being involved in this tragedy. We must demand Cheney's Energy Task Force Meetings be opened and investigated fully NOW!
We must Nationalize the oil companies as a way to punish them for the nearly one million murdered Iraqis killed in the commission of this theft in our name. We must condemn and prosecute their use of our military to steal another country's resources. We must ensure that the energy extraction industry's use of profits is used for the development of sustainable energy for all instead of the death and environmental destruction future they have in store for us. The corporation has personhood status, let's hold them accountable for their involvement in these crimes against humanity. Let's make natural resources the heritage and resources of the people and not the sole domain of the powerful and murderous few. Let's get to the bottom of the 'The Republicans In Charge' and how criminally they failed us.