From "Hope", "Change We Can Believe In", and "Yes We Can" to "It Begins With Us" the Obama campaign has fired the first shots of the president's 2012 re-election fight with another commercial that demonstrates the complete lack of respect he and his staff have for the intelligence of the American people. Speaking vaguely and never clearly explaining what "it" is or exactly what begins with us, the video features a strategically multicultural cast of Obama's past supporters reminiscing about his "underdog" win in 2008 and how they need to energize themselves for 2012 because Obama is busy doing a job...(referring to him destroying the dollar to execute two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that he promised to get us out of and starting a new one in Libya, backing mass murderers under the guise of a "humanitarian" mission.)
Interestingly enough, the video features Ed from North Carolina, who admits that he doesn't agree with Obama on everything. Why such candor in a political video? Perhaps because like Wiley Coyote walking off the edge of the cliff a few feet before recognizing reality and plummeting to his cartoon death, many Americans have woken up to the fact that Obama's presidency has proven to be merely a continuation of the corporatist state that liberals railed against during the Bush years.
Obama has expanded the big brother surveillance state that many, both on the left and on the right, are united in opposing. As well, Obama hasn't closed Gitmo as he promised because he never intended to. The "solution" offered by the President was to bring the illegal facility onto American soil in his home state of Illinois, thus setting the precedent for allowing concentration camps to exist out in the open within the United States.
Obama has divided Americans by shoving through a so-called health care "reform" law that isn't even the socialized health care that many on the left advocate, but was written by insurance companies and for which Obama has been issuing waivers to big business cronies exempting them. This not only allows those favorable to the administration to not offer health insurance to their employees, but also forces those same employees to buy the insurance that they couldn't afford to begin with.
All this, not to mention the new illegal war that Obama has waged without approval from Congress, and the endless civilian-killing drone strikes that he has authorized. (After years of suffering from these irresponsibly executed mass murders the people of North Waziristan have finally declared war on the United States, escalating the "war on terror" that the military industrial complex thrives on. )
Such flagrant abandonment of his base, and the president's alarming neglect of constitutional law (which Obama once supposedly taught) requires at least a quick acknowledgment, even in the short term memory culture of American politics. Obama can no longer refer to his strategy of simply telling the audience what it wants to hear when he can't think up convincing enough spin to dance around a question.
More people are wise to it.
Barring dirty tricks, (which are inevitable) the president has nothing to offer the American public except a fourth term of George Bush and the neocons, among them Bill Kristol who recently bragged that Obama is now one of them.
Kind of like a sequel that just retells the original movie with a few different characters in it, the Obama campaign is the same story as before, minus the knight in shinning armor illusion that he built up in 2008...wiped out now by a term full of intentionally broken promises and unapologetic in-your-face hypocrisy.