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OpEdNews Op Eds    H4'ed 10/13/12

NYPD RAMPS UP HEAT ON PROTESTERS: Sinking to New Lows in the Process

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After a twenty minute show down over the information tarp and whether it was considered permanent or semipermanent, some discussion with the lieutenant on scene, police threw food donated to the protesters into the street again obstructing traffic temporarily.

Once the police returned to the other side of the street a protester known as revolution threw a slice of pizza that he had picked up from the street and threw it at a police cruiser. Protesters ushered him away before police could cross the street to make the arrest.

The protester who threw the pizza later returned to the encampment in the early morning hours, police apparently decided not to pursue the issue.

"NYPD threw out crates of food out in the street endangering the lives of drivers and Occupiers, so I thought if they can do it why can't I,there shouldn't be two standards of behavior, one for us and another for NYPD, " said Revolution who is from Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Police returned just a few hours before dawn for a forth engagement with protesters. Finding many of the protesters prepared for the harassment police chose to direct their attack whole heartedly against the disabled.

Confiscating without providing a confiscation receipt for a second time the walker of one disabled person and ordering another disabled transsexual person to sleep in her wheel.

"A white shirt told me that I have to sit in my chair or he would take it," said Aqua Star-Nyght, 26 from Brooklyn. "I wasn't allowed to sleep laying down like other protesters, I felt like I was singled out because I'm trans, and disabled no other reason."

She remained defiant and the lieutenant eventually backed off.

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Cory Clark is a freelance photojournalist and writer focused on civil and human rights issues, social justice and politics. He is a regular contributor with Getty Images, AP and AFP. His work has appeared in, The Guardian, Fortune (more...)

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