Egypt has become the first nation on Earth to forge a unitive consciousness, a consciousness that we know will eventually emerge for all this planet's people. Tahrir Square has now become the newest, makeshift house of parliament. The citizens of Cairo, Alexandria and Suez are the first sovereign citizens of our new world.
The unitive consciousness born in Cairo, Alexandria, etc., is in its infancy. The newborn babe finds its voice and wiggles its toes, rejoices in its new-found identity. It struggles to rise to its feet and take its first few steps.
Must we watch this birth of a unitive consciousness on our planet completely separate from it? Can we not join in their celebration? Are the citizens of Cairo and Alexandria not doing for us as well what they are doing for themselves? In casting off their chains, are they not casting off our chains too? Is this not a tipping point for all of humanity, and not alone for the people of the pyramids?
Can we not encourage them to repossess the abandoned buildings all around the square and recast their public life together as free and sovereign human beings? What are we waiting for? Has not the hour of our sovereign independence not just arrived as has theirs?
Is the cabal not causing a massive, life-threatening snowstorm here to keep the Egyptian Revolution from spreading to our shores? Will we let them cause hurricanes and earthquakes, snowstorms and floods with HAARP and their scalar weapons, keeping us tied down and unable to respond to events like these? When will we say, enough's enough?
Throwing aside every preconceived idea of how things went before and simply responding now as a people, cooperative and harmonious, might not their newly-born unity and identity push them and us to respond to our common needs in an utterly new and organic way? Are we so big and open that we can allow freedom's ferment to spread from the land of the pyramids to here? Are we ready for such a thing?
You and I know that unitive consciousness is coming. Might Egypt not be the birthplace of it as it was one of the birthplaces of civilization? Might arguably the oldest civilization on Earth not be the crucible of the new?
What might it take for us watching Egypt to send the collective thought and message to them to take this opportunity that confronts them to find a totally-new governmental arrangement from top to bottom? How might we assist them to take hold of this moment when the dead hand of the past has been removed from their lives to utterly recast the manner in which their common life is lived?
If we are conscious co-creators, can we not send our manifesting energy Egypt's way? Is there something more that we can do? Can we not organize aid for the Egyptian people? Aid that will not go into the pockets of the Illuminati as the aid for Haiti is said to have done?
Can we not cheer them on and offer them whatever we have to succeed in establishing this first sovereign and independent government of Earth's people?
Why must we sit on our hands as the children of the pyramids shake off their chains? They are forging a new existence for us all.
Let my people go, Pharoah Mubarak. A new exodus is taking place. The makers of brick and haulers of stone now reside in the palace. Can we not celebrate with them and send our love, energy and assistance to rise up and realize the full measure of freedom and opportunity in the circumstances they have created for themselves?
All those people who have taken the Giving Pledge (, send immediate aid to the people of Egypt. Send hospital ships, relief supplies, any other assistance they request and need. And not aid that is subsequently stolen by the same cabal as caused events in the first place, as with Haiti, not aid tied to purchasing weapons and airplanes to fatten the arms merchants and cause fresh wars, but aid to aid a people throwing off their chains.