The educational system and mainstream media have become the most deliberate means with which to skillfully employ the tools of propaganda. Children who are naturally active and innately curious are told to sit still for eight hours a day, listening to the purposefully selected information society would like them to learn. Rather than delving into their own inquisitiveness, exploring their inherent interests, are physically exploring their world, they begin their upbringing in a limited environment and are forced to adhere to certain rules of behaviour. As these children grow, they are taught to pursue the things their society values most: money, social status, intellect and independence.
In addition to these mistaken value systems, children and adolescents are taught to think rationally, criticize information, not to believe anything from an unsupported source but to adhere to anything coming from an "approved authority." In this, I refer to government officials, teachers, doctors, therapists, etc. Unfortunately for us, the ones we encounter who provide us information are usually only regurgitating the same poisoned gibberish they were fed. In turn, when someone discovers something really important, we tend to discard it. Information overload consistently leads to information apathy, where people enter "shut-down-mode" when given data that is outside their comfort zone or that they believe they cannot rely on. Instead of thinking twice about it, they choose to ignore it.
Let me provide some concrete examples. We were told that fluoride reduces cavities in the teeth and thus allowed fluoride to be put directly into our water systems (actually, most of the fluoride in the water was put there without our knowledge). We were not told, however, that the extremely high doses of fluoride, especially when ingested, not only harms teeth and bones but is cancer-causing, cancer-promoting, and incredibly harmful to the brain, making us more susceptible and obedient. The idea of fluoride in the water in not new and many are now aware of its presence but most think nothing of it. If the dentist said fluoride is good for me, it must be true, no?
I could go on and on with various examples but then I'd be doing all the work for you. Do a little research and get the facts for yourself. Uncover the truth about HIV/Aids, genetically modified foods, growth hormones in our meat and dairy products, hormone replacement therapy, cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, the misuse of antibiotics, the removal of natural products from our markets (codex alimentarius), and the list goes on.
I have learned that many people like to watch videos to get their information and thankfully for us, for now, we have great documentaries available to us on the internet. Here are some links I recommend:
Fluoride Deception
Fluoride Poisoning
Vaccination - The Hidden Truth
Bayer Exposed (HIV infected vaccine)
HPV Vaccine Exposed- Think Twice!
Flu Vaccine Exposed - Think Twice!
Are you more of a reader? Then here are some great books I recommend:
Health Wars by Phillip Day
The Evolutionary Glitch by Albert Garoli
What your doctor may not tell you about children's vaccinations by Stephanie Cave and Deborah Mitchell
The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson
Smoke and Mirrors by Rob Cunningham
Sweet Deception by Joseph Mercola and Kendra Degen Pearsal