Don't You Know!
The meeting of the gang of troublemakers, Individuals For Justice, in front of the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit last Thursday was great; we smiled. I had new signs, Martha Perez came to stand with us, Joe-Anybody was there for some fun and document what we were doing. We blasted Judge jay bybee a bit, (in absentia) and told people who and what he did during his reign of terror before, and during the invasion of Iraq. Just about everyone we talked with was aghast and could not believe what this monster had justified. We told them about Gitmo, and other prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan; they were shocked and angry. We handed out pink leaflets, (In honor of Code Pink) with information about the torture judge, and when people found out that no person has been brought forward to answer to the torture charges save lowly National Guard members, they were confused. I know that feeling. Video of event here:
Our small group talked a bit about the coming elections and we made the point that the democrats would begin fear mongering in the coming weeks. We were wrong.
I came home Thursday afternoon and listened as the democratic propaganda came over the TV and radio; it had begun!
Thom Hartman a long time radio host seems to think that all you have to do is go to the democratic meetings and take over, good luck with that one. He constantly talks about working inside a corrupt system to make it better. You cannot make it better Thom. The democratic party is on its death bed, going to die soon.
Ed Shultz is also using his radio and TV show to push the concept of we must unite as progressives and vote for the lesser of two evils. Sorry Ed, thousands upon thousands of democrats will sit this election out because they are pissed.
Randy Rhodes is a surprise and a disappointment for me, she thinks that President Obama is doing a good job, actually thinks things are heading in the right direction if only we give Obama more time. Sorry Randy you have, like so many good people, been taken in by a bright and artful used car dealer that sold you a lemon.
Here in Portland, Oregon we have our "Only Progressive Talk Show on Radio" with Carl Wolfson, delivering the democratic line and people like wyden, and blumenauer are allowed to sell their goods without any callers being able to question them on anything. Merkley does take some calls and so will DeFazio. Carl got a flash for you, "You ain't no Progressive, you are just a voice for the democratic party."
So what do we do?
I will not vote for any candidate on the national level from the Democratic or the Republican parties unless they have signed on to the following:
1. Call for the end of Empire and the deployments of troops outside the United States. Notify all foreign governments that within a few years or ASAP we will close our bases and bring our troops home, (about 1000 bases)
2. End all foreign aid to countries that have not been declared a disaster area, end all military aid---period!
3. Call for a real peace conference concerning the Middle East. Representatives at the round table must be sent by the Palestinians and the Israeli people, not picked by the US or any other country. Must have the real player at the table not the phonies we have today.
4. Call for real jobs bill, something on the order what FDR did just before WW2.
There are many more things, but these would be such a pleasant surprise that I would vote for someone who talks this way. Sen. Bernie Sanders talks this way.
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