The news headline read: "Passengers Searched After Exiting Train."
The public's reaction to this ranged from "Oh. well" to "What possible purpose could that serve?"
But indeed, intrusive searching of citizens AFTER they get OFF a train DOES have a purpose.
It is simply the next step after trashing our Bill of Rights (endorsed by both Republican and the incumbent Democrat presidents) tapping our phones without a court order, bugging our houses, invading our homes, and being forced off public property at the threat of physical abuse by "law" enforcement officers and hired "security" thugs.
Just what purpose does the Exit Search accomplish? It is Indignity Testing, that is the test of the citizens' tolerance to accept abuse by our government, which, if this level of abuse is tolerated, will go on to the next level of abuse.
What will be the next level of testing our indignity-tolerance? It's impossible for this citizen to conceive, having never in my life possibly imagined the abuses thus far set upon Americans by our own government.
But what is the ultimate purpose of an intended servant-government now having morphed into master-government? One supposes it is for citizens to do as they are told no matter how abusive and degrading the order, and to not dare resist, to voice complaint or to communicate dissent at the threat of physical abuse and incarceration. Apparently others than the citizens are now the masters of the world's once Oldest Democracy.
And what is our tolerance level of this abuse? Here again, it is difficult to say, the citizens having now apparently accepted intimate-groping search rather than to cause the fuss somehow to justifyi physical abuse.
The still relatively few who actually comprehend what's happening react from an extreme similar to the "good Germans" of the late 1930's to early 1940's (which took a massive allied invasion and the slaughter of millions to correct) on the one hand, to on the other hand the Patrick Henry reaction, which today goes somewhat like: "Give me liberty or give me...well...something or other."
Wake up, America! Can we afford yet more obeisance only to encourage more abuse?
Our churches still insist that God smiled when He made America. One seriously wonders, however: Can we be certain He was not actually laughing?
Leaving behind a treacherous government now addicted to perpetual war, its limitlessly greedy and power-lusting masters, as well as the retarded albeit smirky Republicans and their evermore clonish Democrat colleagues, a braindead electorate (