You know what burns me up
And bums me out
More than anything?
It's that we haven't learned anything
In 400 thousand years.
We drive around in our own private machines
Like Fred Flintstone.
And we flush our sh*t and piss down the toilet
And chemicals sterilize it
So we use it again
For bathing and cooking.
We have libraries full of things called books
That we check out occasionally
And we are transcribing them to digital formatting
So we have all these virtual libraries
Floating around somewhere.
We have learned to let each other know when we "like"
Something that they say or display
But we don't expect much from each other
Other than to be liked.
So maybe that is something that we have learned,
That on one level we can get along
By either liking each other
Or keeping our mouths shut.
And we make great weapons.
We excel at that!
Davinci would be impressed.
We travel all over the place.
We are inventing machines that will do stuff for us
So we have more time to like more stuff.
We live longer than we used to.
Honestly that's about it.
We used to be slightly more special,
But now there are too many of us
So we're not that special
Or intelligent in any way that counts.
There is no reason why we deserve to exist.
If we ever contribute anything
To the general welfare of creation
That will make me very happy
In my grave
Or wherever I go after this gig.
(Article changed on Mar 03, 2022 at 1:11 PM EST)
(Article changed on Mar 03, 2022 at 1:12 PM EST)
(Article changed on Mar 04, 2022 at 5:19 PM EST)
(Article changed on Mar 04, 2022 at 7:24 PM EST)