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Hell on Earth

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Michael Byron
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"In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, not a single person will survive-- (Matthew 24:22)

Are we about to create a Hell on Earth? Could our oceans actually boil off, like what happened on Venus? Will all life on Earth be exterminated because we cannot free ourselves of our addiction to fossil fuels?

Recently I've begun to come across discussions on the Internet that say that our ongoing process of human caused global warming is leading to a runaway greenhouse effect. Much of the speculation about this seemed to be centered on NASA climatologist Dr. James Hanson.  

Dr. Hanson's short video on this can be viewed HERE . Dr. Hanson is unambiguous. He states that if we burn all of the carbon available to us in the form of oil, natural gas and coal, a runaway greenhouse effect is possible. He goes on to add that if we also release the carbon stored in oil sands, tar sands and other unconventional sources of hydrocarbon energy, this fate become an absolute certainty.

Hanson (at about 2:20 minutes into the video) says: --"What will happen is that the oceans will become so hot that the oceans will begin to boil and the oceans will end up in the atmosphere. And that's what happened to Venus--

Temperatures on Venus are about 850 degrees F. Atmospheric pressure is nearly 100 times that of Earth. The atmosphere is poisonous.   Hanson says that this could occur as early as next century.

Let's consider what exactly this runaway greenhouse is, and how it might unfold here on our planet. By massive burning of oil, coal and natural gas, we release vast quantities of CO2, a heat trapping "greenhouse" gas, into our atmosphere. As a direct consequence of this, things get hotter and hotter, faster and faster. This is certainly happening now.

Dr. Richard Muller, who had previously been a noted climate change skeptic, recently, published a study, ironically funded by the climate-change-denying Koch Brothers, in which he found that human-caused global warming is very real. In fact, it has pushed global temperature up by an average of 1.5 degrees F. in the past 50 years alone. Muller stated:

" Three years ago I identified problems in previous climate studies that, in my mind, threw doubt on the very existence of global warming. Last year, following an intensive research effort involving a dozen scientists, I concluded that global warming was real and that the prior estimates of the rate of warming were correct. I'm now going a step further: Humans are almost entirely the cause . "

In July of 2012 a panel of hundreds climate scientists from 48 nations stated unequivocally that "global warming is accelerating." A video news report of this is available HERE . For example, they state that:""Greenland's glaciers are melting about 30 times faster than they were a decade ago--

THIRTY times faster!! In fact, this warming is occurring faster than any of the "high end" warming scenarios! In plain English, a greater magnitude of warming is occurring, and far faster than ever anticipated. Further, it is also occurring much sooner than anticipated.

OK, at this point I am certain that we are talking about objective reality here and not just alarmist hyperbole. So what is the "greenhouse effect" anyway and how does it work?

The basic idea is that a planet's atmosphere gets so hot, that eventually its oceans begin to boil off into the atmosphere. Since water vapor is a more powerful greenhouse gas than even CO2, this causes the atmosphere to get even hotter, boiling off ever more of the oceans mass until the oceans are in the sky--just like Venus.

Life--ALL life--ends forever on such a planet.

So just how does Earth end up like Venus? The process starts when we burn off the Earth's accessible supply of oil, coal and natural gas. These greenhouse gases raise the average temperature of the atmosphere by up to about 12 degrees F. Previous "worst case" scenarios had this occurring by the end of this century. However, we now know that our actual reality is MUCH worse than that.

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Michael P Byron is the author of The Path Through Infinity's Rainbow: Your Guide to Personal Survival and Spiritual Transformation in a World Gone Mad. This book is a manual for taking effective action to deal with the crises of our age including (more...)
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