If you watched Meet The Pests(that is how I refer to Meet The Press) this morning as I did,
and have listened to folks like Chomsky. Klein or Girroux, you'd realize the corporate fascist takeover is no longer an operation in the works. It's complete! This show today had a well rounded
group of corporate moderators whom we are told(over and over by them) are
reasonable moderates. People like David Brooks for example, who comes off like a
really reasonable guy, a soft spoken moderate, who in actuality, at least in my view, is a mealy
mouthed neocon. This morning and concerning Obama's loss of popularity in the polls, he was basically telling Obama (as if his opinion is
more important than anyone else), cut(doublespeak for gut) social spending and
raise taxes across the board, not simply on the rich. Everyone must share the
burden, feel the pain and pay the piper. No regard or mention concerning the tax
loopholes or the massive off-shoring that allows most rich people to avoid paying
taxes altogether. Those darn entitlement programs again that have been consistently depicted by these very moderate and reasonable pundits as an elitist program for those who don't work or contribute to society
and who are the primary problem that drains the nations coffers. I imagine Brooks feels the same about
those on food stamps who recently lost their jobs and houses while Obama in lockstep with Bush Jr. bailed
out the Wall Street CEO's who put them here. I also guess it doesn't matter
much about the fact that most of these people on Social Security or whom now suddenly find themselves as the
new poor did work and contribute most of their lives. It seems apparent that in the newest new world order(Economics 401) there can be no peace for this lot or even their grandchildren, who find themselves massively indebted to an ever privatized system of education that does not promote free thought, but rather corporate servitude.
As far as these across the board "tax hikes,"
Brooks wasn't specific, though his actual mantra has always been to continue
giving the wealthiest huge tax breaks to stimulate the economy and create job
growth. Where? In China or Indonesia? If people like him had to live on Social
Security and or food stamps, perhaps his talk of we "entitled recipients" having
to "sacrifice like everyone else" would change. We do sacrifice every goddamn
day and in fact the poor and middle class have been sacrificing for the last
40 years, working harder and producing more while the rich got richer. More cuts to these "entitlement" programs mean more
poverty, more homelessness, more medical neglect, more death. Cost of living
increases have been frozen on Social Security for three years now, but no mention by Brooks of that
cut in a time when the cost of everything has gone up and continues to go up.
But if tax cuts for the rich are rolled back to the extremely generous
Clinton-Reagan era, well that's bad for our growing economy and it alienates the
wealthy which reflects directly to Obama's poor numbers. No mention of the obscene military spending either.
Meanwhile Donald Trump, the born rich guy who got richer
by using tax payer dollars(HUD) to build these obscenely massive building
projects, then in the middle of construction declaring bankruptcy and walking away with
the loot is in Brooks view, a viable candidate who should be taken seriously. Of
course Obama's latest dip in the polls is not because he has abandoned his base
and capitulated to republicans(and their corporate overlords) over and over to
actually do what Brooks says he ought to do, or that he continues with illegal
costly wars around the world, adopting the drill, drill, drilling mantra, even
after the worst oil disaster in history, or that he has enhanced the Patriot
Act, gutting civil liberties even further than Bush, hasn't raised a finger to
protect organized labor as he promised and actually made government less open
and transparent than his predecessor. No! It's because of gas prices and because
he alienates the rich. What a joke! Is Brooks really serious? I'd like to get a
hit of the stuff this guy is on! And not one other idiot oopps...I mean expert pundit on the panel jumped in
on that one. I guess they all forgot who it was that extended those Bush tax cuts in
the first place and soon after came out saying, "we have to do something about
"entitlement" programs!"
The script has been written and all of the players, be
they politicians(on both sides of the fictional aisle) or media pundits, are
carrying it out to the corporate letter. Anything even remotely resembling
democracy in this country is dead. This nation is ruled already by Mussolini
style corporatists. The new enemy is not the Jews or Gypsies or Ethiopians, it
is the poor and sick who must be debased, undignified, literally spat upon, gutted and ultimately forgotten to protect and preserve the sovereign economic power of
the United Corporate States.
I'm a concerned, middle aged blogger and member of the ACLU. I hail from the Bay Area. I Lobbied congress with the ACLU over the more unconstitutional elements of the USA Patriot Act. Marched in peace protests, lost a former school chum in the world (