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Fun with FISA

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Richard Spisak
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Sewell's Point , Indian River Park, along the Treasure Coast

The Martin County democrats gathered for our annual summer rally. We heard a string of rousing speeches by candidates for a variety of local offices, including excellent speeches by Bill Ramos candidate for District 81's seat in the Florida Legislature and also we heard County Commission candidate Martha Bennett. Martin County is seeing a remarkable growth in democratic activism like never before.

US Congressman Tim Mahoney, appeared and made a wonderful speech about the damage the Bush/Cheney/Rove regime has done to our country. He then made another excellent speech about the Obama candidacy. Addressing how many of the Obama policies will result in greater opportunities and an important change for America.

We have some venomous Republicans who lurk on the letters to the editor forum, and I've been called upon to defend our good democratic Congressman Mahoney several times in recent weeks.

Congressman Mahoney addressing the assembled Democrats continued explaining that Americans across the land have lost faith in this president and no longer trust him. Senator Obama will bring a new face to America overseas. He explained President Obama will work to bring the Iraq war to a rapid conclusion.

He then opened the floor to questions. He hoped, that all the questions would be consistent with good democratic unity, and would be fair and supportive. His first questioner was Mr. Learned who asked about his support of President Bush's war on Iraq. He said the world changed on 9/11. "We live", he said, "in a dangerous world", and "we must give the president the benefit of the doubt." "The War is real." His answer proved unsatisfactory, to many of his audience.

I had the chance to ask Congressman Mahoney the next question, and I used a reporter's tricks to raise two questions, but landed firmly on the second. "I won't ask you to reconcile, the vote in favor of FISA Revision and the fourth amendment to the Constitution.

[Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.]

He replied that the FISA amendment, was the best we could get. It does require the administration to report any surveillance within 72 hours. [That requirement was one of the constraints that the Bush Administration blew right by last time. Aren't you reassured?]

However, I settled on a second question, Would he explain his endorsement of legislation in support of the Administration's position on Iran. He asked what particular legislation was that, regarding Iran? I couldn't recall the name of the legislation, so he gained some wiggle room. But I promised myself, I would research the name of the legislation. He did have an answer of sorts.

He said it was unfortunate that the President has brought himself into a position like.. he paused, reaching for a metaphor, he suggested "like crying wolf." Now, Nobody believes him. The WELL EARNED REPUTATION, so long cultivated as a liar, might do that.

Back in the studio, I did the research. Congressman Mahoney, was among the Congressmen who signed on as (co=sponsorship of House Resolution 362) way back in the beginning of July. Almost two full weeks ago. So you can see how it slipped his mind.

House Resolution 362 - Urges an Iran Blockade -and authorizes further destabilization activity. In the context of the revelations by Seymour Hersch on covert US forces already in Iran. Check it out for yourself. Its typically referred to as the ATTACK IRAN or Blockade Iran Resolution click here. And check out some discussion & analysis here and here. or and Truthout here.

Our good Democratic Congressman Mahoney is one of the Co-Sponsors. But he is our, good Democratic congressman, who did stand up for Habeas Corpus. Imperfect, like all coalitions require, pragmatically we need each other and he will be supported.

Further regarding the hideous House Resolution 362 from a colleague (Mark Weaver)

From Mark Weaver's Blog [re Kucnich's reaction]

On July 1, Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) circulated a "Dear Colleague" letter opposing H.Con.Res. 362. Ron Klein, Debbie Schultz and Robert Wexler were among the first 13 cosponsors and were quickly joined by Alcee Hastings, Kendrick Meek, Tim Mahoney and Allen Boyd. (I'd name the Florida Republican co-sponsors but we already know Republicans are warmongers, right?)
Thanks Mark.

So Congressman Mahoney - didn't know what I was referring to... uh huh??? more later. If we citizens, who take that honorable title to heart, do not confront mendacity in a forthright and civilized manner. What can we expect from those to whom we give our votes?

I did get in a third question, does he really think America can dictate what weapons any country on the GLOBE can possess? [He said, yes.] I expected a discussion, not a retreat into a request for good fellowship.

Americans should debate - the role some would force upon our young people that of mercenary and enforcer of the NEW WORLD ORDER. Some of us, do disagree!

That being said: Yes, Senator Obama is our candidate, and we support him, and Congressman Mahoney you are our Democratic Congressman. (such as you both are [moderate dems] ) I will continue to defend you both from right wing attack-dogs. But I do expect honest answers. And a SERIOUS DEBATE on foreign policy.

Good people can disagree about whether America's role as arms merchant to the A.Q. Khans of this world, somehow conflicts with its Right/Duty to collect the world's weapons, at the swinging door of Super Powerdom! However in 50 or a 100 years, let's ask Brazil, India or China the same question. hmmmm shall we???

Martial plan indeed, lets debate it? Can we Centurion?
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