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Fascism, Are we there yet?

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Message Donald A. Parker
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All the manipulation of our political system since before WWI has been to allow for the expansion of corporate control over the functions of the government. There has been no free enterprise system since the Federal Reserve System, an independent entity within the federal government (of for and by the people who had nothing to say about that event), was established on December 23rd 1913 and became the only bank allowed to print and disburse our currency.

The Federal Reserve Bank is tasked with:1. Conducting monetary policy by influencing monetary and credit conditions in pursuit of maximum employment, stable prices and moderate long term interest rates. 2.supervision and regulation of banking institutions to insure safety and soundness of the banking and financial system and protecting the credit rights of it's customers. 3.maintaining stability of our financial system and contain systemic risk that may arise in financial markets. 4. Providing financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. Government and foreign official institutions including a major role operating the U.S. payment system.

Well Olly, they have certainly made a fine mess of those, and THEY set THEIR OWN parameters.

Given events and conditions surrounding the last three elections in combination with the ruptured real estate balloon, bungling by over compensated bankers and stock market FRAUD (I don't care what laws their legislative lackeys enacted!) I am forced to conclude they are going to move their marketing "system" to a "new" location and see if they can go another round. If they WAKE UP and take a SOBER look around they might notice this Not-so-merry-go-round is about to wobble off its axis and that there isn't enough time to stack their lies this high again.

FASCISTS SEEK TO ORGANIZE A COUNTRY ON CORPORATIST PERSPECTIVES SUCH AS THOSE CONTROLLING POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND MILITARY ACTIVITY. That would explain repeated attempts over the last fifty years to "incorporate" possibly profitable government services and military activity.

Control over the monetary system was TAKEN at a time when most of this country's population were still reeling from the trauma and grieving over the losses trauma caused by a war to sustain the spread of elitist imperialism, an endeavor they so incorrectly termed "The War to End All Wars."

At a time when the literacy rate was low, when the vast majority of our population was working long days and very hard to survive, that is to say, when people had their backs turned or bent in labor, the congress of the elite handed over control of our legal tender to a group of private bankers ending an actually free enterprise system.

The rationale used for public appeasement was that their system would prevent a recurrence of the economic panic of 1907 and other radical economic activity but it sure did nothing to stop those same hogs from crashing Wall street into a wall in '29"so I guess they were lying. Gee I wonder if they were and are as full of crap as that Christmas Turkey my Mother used to tell me about? The same thing has occurred, on a smaller scale, several times since, until 2008.Then "SNAP!"

Now that deregulation and lack of enforcement have allowed another rape of the system, they don't need to lie because they were allowed, by their fellow fascists, who were in positions of control, to do what they did with little fear of penalty or punishment. What I take as a strong warning of coming attractions in the arena of economic and political operations is the absolute lack of remorse or even embarrassment on the part of the perpetrators who are getting away with the most lucrative case of fraud in the history of fraud and their Capitol Hill cohorts with betraying most of the people who put them in office. Mussolini and his thugs couldn't hold a candle to our latest crop of corrupt Fascist capitalist aka economic assassins.

Our military, corporate complex (since most industry is now incorporated, as our government is soon to be) have reached the status of "clear and present danger" so anyone with a possible aversion to being a subject of Big Brother may want to take steps in the direction of the door OR adopt a new attitude toward those entities now in the process of removing the last vestiges of civility from civil or customer "service." That is to say the executive branch of our government will become the parent corp. with Justice, The House and The Senate being primary subsidiaries while civil service employees will become employees of Services for Citizens Inc. (with fewer benefits and little, if any, job security.) The overseers won't need to worry about employee longevity since all most will be doing is supplying paper to computers and storing printouts which won't require a degree from any institute of higher yearning.

President Eisenhower warned us, almost seventy years ago, to be weary of the military industrial complex but we were having so much fun sitting in our shiny new, but not paid for, overweight, gas guzzling cars, enjoying traffic jams on the eternally constructed Interstate, (nothing FREE about it,) Freeway system as we sat in long lines of traffic breathing fumes from lead laced gasoline, sucking on one of the smooth and tasty cigarettes we saw on T.V. For decades we spent much of our "FREE" time gazing into that black, white and gray world mesmerized by the miracle of moving images formed of electrons which were being cast from towers miles away our minds filled with images of what the corporations thought we should want to eat, drink, wear, smoke, drive, wash our clothes, hair and bodies with, smell like, look like and behave like. In other words our friendly sponsors were, through their magic box, showing us what those who agreed with their suggestions for the ideal existence would receive if we would just do it their way.

I, and many members of my generation chose not to accept their invitation to dwell in Utopia, Inc. because some of us knew that any form of government or business, which demanded constant expansion, was not going to last long in this finite realm.

That, however, is the way the current system (paradigm) works and that is why humanity has been fighting wars for the same insane reasons and chasing the same rabbit around the same track since we dropped out of the trees, slithered out of the primordial ooze, alit from a spacecraft or were kicked out of the mythical Garden of Eden.

Trying to maintain and obviously unsustainable way of life, which is dependent on the judgment of commercial and political corporate managers deluded and driven by an effete vision of constant expansion seems, to this observer, insane or moronic"your choice. The fascists leaders are, however, going to try and replicate past successes in Asia where they can abuse the people and the planet with no interference until"

Those who survive long enough will have the opportunity to witness the inevitable manifestation resulting from 4000 years of OUR collective obsessive, compulsive behavior. In the meantime many of us try to hang on to a way of life which is dependent on the judgment of people(I think?) who will leave hundreds of thousands(now millions) of their countrymen standing in unemployment, welfare and food locker lines after they move their production to a third world country where workers have no rights, no benefits and can be exploited and/or discharged if they object to anything. These are corporations who accused their employees here of not being loyal to the company. Can we spell duplicitous?

Based on the definition of Fascism: The organization of a nation on corporatist perspectives, values and systems including political and economic. I have concluded that we are now seeing the truth about the concept of a global, corporate controlled, economy and government(s). If we allow large corporate campaign contributions to influence the election process we will be inviting an even greater degree of control over a government already wrapped in the tentacles of multinational business interests.

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Two yrs, college, four years navy, Diver: sky and scuba. Sixty years traveling the US(45contiguous and Hawaii,) four of those steaming all over the Pacific Basin. Experienced in several areas of employment. Amateur photographer, Wilderness packer (more...)
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