The Arab Spring, at a glance, is the series of
uprisings that have been toppling dictator after dictator in the Middle East.
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and more countries have been in states of change
for the past few years. The old oppressive governments have been overthrown by
the young, the oppressed, and the hopeful. The whole event seems to me like a
trail of dominos. Once one country's people realized that they had the power to
change things and successfully overthrew their government, it caused the people
of other countries to realize and do the same thing. It is currently a large
topic of debate in politics, academia, and even in small social interactions.
People ask, should we be doing something? Is it good? What will happen? Only
the future will reveal the answers to some of our burning questions, but we can
try to predict with some degree of accuracy what will happen as long as we gain
a better understanding of what is actually happening.
it is imperative to understand that these uprisings are necessary. The people
who are rioting and rising live under oppressive rule. In Libya, the initial
protest was a rather impromptu response to some people being arrested and held
without charge. When the people were released, they and their family and
friends started protesting and got people from the streets to join them. This
had a snowball effect that led to a huge protest In Benghazi. The riot police
responded, and the government reacted, and Gaddafi gave the order to use lethal
force on the rioters. When news spread, this caused many other riots, and
eventually an organized civil war. Under Gaddafi, the people did not have
freedom of speech, or congregation, there was incredible corruption and a huge
wealth gap. While the people of Libya received certain amenities from the
countries oil exports, no amount of money could make up for not having freedom.
The next
thing to be aware of is that these revolutions are not spontaneous, despite
what most believe and what the government would have you believe. The western
powers most definitely have contributed largely to the unrest in the Middle
East, and it was intentional. Al Jazeera, a Middle Eastern Qatari funded news
agency, is the most notable tool of influence for the western powers. Nothing
is more powerful than public opinion, and in shaping public opinion nothing is
more powerful than the news. Al Jazeera reported on every revolution,
dramatically favoring the revolutionaries from the start of all of them. They
had such intensive pro-revolutionary coverage directed to people in the areas
of other oppressed countries that they actually spurred action. The oppressed
people saw through the eyes of Al Jazeera that they could do something. Al
Jazeera itself has even hinted in certain interviews with 60-minutes that they
are directly trying to do this. "So what if we have an agenda? Everyone has an agenda.
If our agenda is freedom and democracy, what's wrong with that?" I may have
paraphrased a bit, but one of the news persons at Al Jazeera said that in an
interview with 60-minutes.
The connection that makes me
certain that western powers are behind this is clear. Qatar produces a lot of
oil and natural gas and has a lot of
wealth because of it. In fact, Qatar's natural gas reserves are the third
largest in the world. Yet they have an incredibly small army. To protect their
wealth, there is the largest US naval base in the world smack-dab in the heart
of Qatar. It seems that the relationship may be that as long as Qatar (through
Al Jazeera) destabilizes certain countries in the Middle East, the US will give
them protection. The western interests are also clear when you look at how many
weapons the western powers give to these countries that have been involved in
the Arab Spring, something that only makes sense in this case if they are
seeking to destabilize these countries. In the years leading up to the Libyan
revolution, Gaddafi bought all kinds of weapons from western powers. He bought
fighter jets from the French, small arms (like the F2000 and the A-K 103) from
the Belgians and Russians, he bought other weapons and artillery through trade
relations with the US that allowed him to buy weapons from other countries. In
exchange, Gaddafi gave these countries money and good trade relations when it
came to oil. What he didn't realize is that he may also have given them his
country, and possibly his plans for Africa. If you look into Gaddafi's plans
for the United States of Africa, it becomes obvious why the western powers
would want to remove him from power. The west wanted to secure power over the
resources in the Middle East, Africa, and Libya, and Gaddafi (as well as the
other leaders that have been overthrown) threatened that.
What the western powers may not
concern themselves with is the aftermath of these revolutions. If we give aid
to the rebels to support our western ideals of freedom and democracy, then why
does the aid and news coverage stop when the new regime comes in that is just
as bad as the last? In Libya, the new government may seem to have good ideals
and values, but the reality is much darker. Racial oppression is currently a
huge problem in Libya. The final supporters of Gaddafi were groups of people
who were traditionally dark skinned. Now, predominantly dark skinned areas are
being punished. People are being arrested for the color of their skin or where
they live. Due to the lack of control and power the new government has, there's
nothing they could really do about it even if they tried. People are being
tortured, and held without trial. While the new Congressional Government is
simply trying to secure control over Libya, their own people are committing
horrendous crimes. So while the revolution was necessary, the result is just as
bad in many ways.
It might be confusing, that I claim
this revolution necessary when it leads to such terrible violence, but I will
explain. The revolution was necessary; but so was foresight, and advanced
planning of a new government, and forgiveness. Supporters of Gaddafi may not
have been educated enough to know what he was doing. They may have been scared
of exactly what is happening right now if he wasn't in power, oppression in the
other direction. These necessary things aren't possible when there is disorganization.
People alone are amazing, but people in groups are disgusting. If I had
ultimate power, I don't know what I would have changed to avoid this and I
won't pretend to know, but I do know that there is an inherent problem with the
western powers causing these uprisings with immunity to the results.
The global impact of these
revolutions is also important to be aware of. During the periods of
instability, oil prices may soar and western interests may appear threatened by
the chaos. However, after the new governments form, the western powers have new
negotiating power over them. Libya, since forming its new government, produces
and sells the same amount, if not more, of oil that it did before the
revolution. Gaddafi made incredible amounts of money off of the same amount of
oil that is giving the new government not nearly as much. The new government
doesn't know how to keep prices up while maintaining production and demand.
They simply don't have the experience and therefore the western powers are benefitting
greatly from cheaper oil. But there is another factor that could impact the
global society, chaos.
I've already mentioned that the
Libyan government is trying desperately to secure control of its own country.
While the international community considers Libya to be under one rule, some
Libyans would beg to differ. Different tribes and militias are causing
significant difficulties in maintaining a centralized government. Militias that
fought for the National Transitional Government in Libya are currently claiming
right to power. There is active violence between militias, tribes, and the
government. Unfortunately this chaos isn't limited to Libya. Due to the
temporal proximity that all of these revolutions have to each other, there are
militias and small arms groups all across Northern Africa and the Middle East.
Since the governments are falling, their arms are being spread and sold and
distributed all over the place. The F2000's that Gaddafi bought are now in the
hands of Syrian revolutionaries. Anti-aircraft weapons owned by the Libyan
government are currently in the hands of extremists groups, also they were used
by the Mali people in their revolution efforts. Syria has chemical weapons,
what happens when the Syrian government falls and those weapons are up to the
highest bidder?
I don't know, and I don't think
anyone else does either. The western powers are creating chaos that they can't
control. This many weapons, and this magnitude of weapon grade, with such a low
level of control is a recipe for disaster. The alarming amount of weapons and
alarming lack of control or regulation over them may simply keep the Middle
East in turmoil for much longer than would naturally occur without western
intervention. But then again, maybe that's the point.
The western powers benefit from a
disorganized chaotic Middle East, in a shallow shortsighted kind of way. The
pattern is the same as it has been for thousands of years. The Middle East has
resources, and the west wants them. As long as the western powers can keep the
Middle Eastern governments scattered and inexperienced, then the oil prices
will remain low. The Middle East will remain unstable, and it won't develop.
This is selfish and unethical for obvious reasons, but it is shortsighted for a
few less obvious ones. If the Middle East doesn't develop, we miss out on all
of the innovation that its cultures have to offer us. Those who think
differently than we do can figure out the problems we have because they don't
try to solve them the same way. Also, as technology increases, the cost of
weapons will decrease and the availability will increase. What happens when
these chaotic groups of rebels, or insurgents or whatever we're told to call
them, gains access to nuclear weaponry? What happens when they start realizing
that we are constantly putting them down and holding them back? I don't imagine
they'd be too diplomatic.
this is demagoguery, but I believe in people. I believe that if people can take
back their freedoms then they can enact change for the better. There are
solutions to this problem I've explained. I do think that there are many
possible scenarios over the next 20 years that could lead to a developed and
organized and safe Middle East. Politicians and the government trying to keep
us from seeing the truth disgust me and it should scare you, and trying to keep
us and the Middle East in the dark for its own agenda makes me wonder how we
support the politicians that we support. As long as western powers keep
actively holding them back I do believe that there is a chance for disaster. I
think that the powers who are destabilizing the Middle Eastern totalitarian
states should take responsibility for the repercussions of whatever revolution
ensues. I think that Al Jazeera, the US, and other organizations with influence
should attempt to create stable governments and not just chaos. I think that
the Middle Eastern people should take action not for actions sake, like what
has been happening, but to ensure their own prosperous future. I think that the
news agencies should stop idealizing these revolutionaries. Yes they are acting
for freedom and this is noble, but in almost every country that has undergone a
revolution in the Arab Spring, the resulting government has been just as
oppressive. If the media objectively reported this, then maybe future
revolutions and future governments (like whatever government will take over in
Syria after its civil war) will have an actual chance of success and equality
and freedom. If the media acted on the purist goals that young communication
majors believe in, like truth and objectivity and fairness, then maybe people
would be more informed. The media should not be a tool that governments use to
control their people or to destabilize other countries. We think we have
freedom of the press in the USA, but is that true when the government so
obviously abuses the media to control us? I have hope for the Middle East,
maybe these revolutions won't lead to disaster; but, that hope is limited by my
small hope that citizens in western countries will take back their freedom.