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Coverup In Penn State Sex Scandal Should Not Be A Surprise

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Message Roger Shuler

AB: It's not all about your blog. Your blog was an insignificant piece. . . . The blog . . . was a very small part of the bigger picture. . . . again, related to other non-work related things. I didn't see those non-work related things. Pam (Powell) sat down with the computer people--and I don't know who else was there--and they reviewed what was work related and what was non-work related.

RS: And she's the determiner of that, even though she has told us . . .

AB: She was able to determine what you were working on and whether it was related to your blog . . .

RS: Well, you just said it, it's all about my blog. You just said that.

AB: That was a piece of it. Some of it was research related to your blog, from my understanding. I understand there were some things about Siegelman, screens up about Don Siegelman, things that they saw you doing that they consider to be research for your blog because then that was topics that you wrote about on your blog.

RS: Those are also news articles that we are supposed to keep up with, about Alabama, stuff in the news.

This indicates that at least three UAB management types knew that I was fired because of my blog content--specifically about the Don Siegelman case--and they lied about it in sworn affidavits. That probably meets the legal definition of perjury. Several other administrators, including President Carol Garrison, made similar statements that also might rise to the level of perjury.

Garrison perhaps had at least one moment of candor in her affidavit when she wrote: "I am not aware of any party outside UAB having any influence whatsoever over the decision to terminate Shuler or my decision to uphold that termination." That's probably because an Alabama politico or two went to someone on the UA Board of Trustees and asked them to have me canned. If the board member instructed Garrison to see that the dirty deed was done, that means no one outside UAB was involved--at least in Garrison's mind.

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I live in Birmingham, Alabama, and work in higher education. I became interested in justice-related issues after experiencing gross judicial corruption in Alabama state courts. This corruption has a strong political component. The corrupt judges are (more...)
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