While many are using the bump from the Democratic Convention to their advantage, Mark Critz still thinks being a Democrat is a liability for him. Now I know Mark Critz is scared to be a known Democrat, being one of the few to not show up for the convention, but to run your own ad and make it sound like you are running against Obama makes little sense (
click here)
First off, you are running as a Democrat so playing off the fox news talking point of the Evil Obama EPA over regulating natural gas probably won't help you much with the Rothfus base because, if that's their main issue, they are going to vote for him anyway. Claiming to be against one regulating authority won't help you as a Democrat, especially when you are seeking the low information voting fox viewers to cross party lines.
Secondly, standing up as being pro-life is quite silly in my opinion. We already know your pro-life, you have voted against the Republican majorities attempt to take health care away from the 32 million Americans who now have access to it, thanks to your vote for the Affordable Care Act. Millions of Americans now have access to health care and preventative care. Now that should be a Pro-Life stance if you ask me.
Third, your Pro-Gun, well so am I and every other Democrat. I believe in the rights guaranteed by the second amendment, but I guess wanting responsible ownership, common sense and an attempt to address the unnecessary violence we see today is just unacceptable and anti-Gun. Furthermore, I don't understand why the Gun debate has to turned into the likes of the abortion debate. Either you are a purist, or you are some evil villain. And it works on both sides of many issues at times.
Friday night I had the oppurtunity to hear Former Governor Ed Rendell speak at the Center for Progressive Leadership Leading Pennsylvania event. The most important statement the Governor made was there are certain issues as an elected official you must be willing to lose your job for. That is where leadership comes from, the ability to stay the course in stormy weather. However, the course it seems Mark Critz wants to follow is "Keith Rothfus is far too Republican for you, But I can be just Republican enough if you vote for me".
I feel like a Republican making this point, but what's stopping Keith Rothfus from using Mark Critz's fear of being a Democrat associated with Democrats against him. Elizabeth Warren strongest attack on Scott Brown was a long the same line. You might like Scott Brown but voting for Scott Brown puts Mitch McConnell into the Senate Majority Leadership. Well here is Rothfus' opening to say a vote for Critz is a vote for Pelosi.
Rich Bergen is the managing editor and primary writer for ProgressMo Shuffle. Rich is a Center for Progressive Leadership 2012 Pennsylvania Political Leader Fellow, a Correction Officer, Union Steward, graduate from Concordia College-Bronxville with (