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Cliff Notes-- On Being Able to Recognize "Game"

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Message Anthony Barnes
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Without a doubt, backlash against GOP extremism played a significant role in the president's legislative successes.     It was part of the public's response to a discernible form of extremism that resurfaced like a recurrence of cancer during Obama's presidency.   An extremism fueled in large part, by a familiar obsession linked to a well-known character disorder common among the stiff-necked Archie Bunker types, closeted MILF-wannabees and other assorted " Akinites " who -- during the Republican presidential debates and convention -- either cheered or booed at precisely the moment when the opposite reaction was more appropriate.

And certainly, despite Obama's successes, all's not rosy.   Gitmo is still up and running; efforts to address global warming have been paltry; the "crackdown" on Wall Street depressingly light-handed; efforts to regulate gun ownership non-existent and the Bush tax cuts for the rich have managed to survive this president's first term.   Moreover, any saintly aura enshrouding Obama's milestone accomplishments would be considerably dulled if the president agrees to the kind of Medicare and Social Security changes Republicans have been demanding.  

Nevertheless, the transcendent nature of the era of Obama can neither be reasonably understated or adequately embellished.   In both political and social terms, it's been an era of genuinely tangible historical milestones brought forth in large part by way of an approach to legislative politicking that seems almost pathological in its cageyness  Since elected in 2008, the cultural impact of Obama's successful legislative maneuvering is visible writ large in American society as some significant conservative cultural sacred cows have gone, or seem set to go the way of the 8-track tape.  

The enactment of "Obamacare," for example, toppled 40 years of stonewalled GOP resistance to government run health care.   On immigration, a clear path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants has been established.   The creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau may usher in an era of consumer protection that is contemporary to a post-Wall-Street-meltdown market, and, an historic expansion of civil rights relating to gender appears on the way to fruition.  

Moreover, not only has Obama appointed two pro-choice women to the Supreme Court, thus increasing the odds against Roe v Wade being overturned, his re-election is likely to bring an end to the conservative dream of a lasting Supreme Court majority should one or more Justices retire before the next election.

And perhaps the greatest milestone is that he did it while black.

Be that as it may, Obama hardly seems content to stand pat on a transformative agenda and just float on through the next four years as a lame duck.   Indeed as both Parties edge nearer to the fiscal cliff, Obama appears on the verge of completing yet another act of shrewd political maneuvering that enables the president to address deficit recovery largely on his own terms.    And through this maneuvering the president -- at the time of this writing -- is perhaps only days away from crumbling another pillar of conservative philosophy:   the ideological barrier that surrounds a near quarter century prohibition against raising taxes by the GOP.  

"Raising rates is sort of a partisan political trophy for Obama," admitted Sen. Lindsay Graham during a December 10 interview on Fox News.

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Anthony Barnes, of Boston, Massachusetts, is a left-handed leftist. "When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the (more...)

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