Demonstration in Washington, D.C. organized by Teens For Gun Reform in the wake of shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
(Image by Photo credit: Lorie Shaull / Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)) Details DMCA
In response to the Florida school massacre, the White House had President Donald Trump participate in an unusual, media-filmed "listening" session with mourning parents and students.
Trump listened -- how could he not? He is being pressured to do something about gun violence in America. This most recent slaughter, and the remarkable public response to it, led by young people, is creating a potentially inexorable emotional wave.
So he proposed a solution.
More guns.
Yup! Trump thinks the way we can stop the murderous wave that has overtaken America is by putting weapons into the hands of amateur sheriffs -- who, he insists, will stop the marauders in their tracks.
On Twitter yesterday morning, Trump declared that "A 'gun free' school is a magnet for bad people."
What we need, he says, is to have some adults at the schools -- not security guards, but teachers, administrators, and others -- carrying concealed weapons.
Go to Who.What.Why. for the rest of this article.