Dear Senator Specter,
Welcome to the Democratic Party, Sir. You have made a serious decision which I’m sure you gave much contemplation before implementing and no doubt there will be many who will question your decision to switch parties. There will be those, primarily from your now former party, who will make it their goal in life to tear you to shreds.
But you know this, and yet you made the change anyway. For that you are to be commended, Sir.
This isn’t, to my thinking, a “flip flop” simply for saving your own political skin, though that is I’m sure how many will spin it. No, I see it more as a man who wants to continue his public service who has undergone great personal pain and suffering and has come out on the other side of his own trials and tribulations to see that in order to serve the people one has to listen to them. And the people of your state has seen that years of republican rule has done nothing but get them in a hole so deep, it’s hard to maintain hope.
Your voice on stem cell research will now truly be heard. And if anyone can speak to the possible breakthroughs this research holds and the hope people who are suffering have, it’s you. Especially with your well publicized battles with cancer. You are needed now more than ever, Senator. And it is my hope that you will bring your experience and wisdom to your new political party free of all the dogmatic fundamentalism your former party still clings to as if somehow repeating the same tired mantra will miraculously, finally, bring success.
You have listened to your constituents and made the change and I for one thank you.
You have put the Democrats one step closer to that much sought after Senate majority. Now all we have to do is wait for Al Franken to finally be sworn in, of course after Norm Coleman ultimately finishes his vacation in the land of Denial, and we’ll have it.
The road ahead will not be an easy one, but it is one you have committed wholly to and for that you not only have my respect but my support and no doubt the support of many in your state.