With the deluge of corporate money into campaign finance already underway, we can now look forward to never-ending campaigns of endless radio and TV commercials polluting the airwaves. Trust me, we will soon be screaming for relief from this new form of Speech Terrorism.
In fact, we will have to invent a new crime category - call it torture by media. Who's to Blame for this? Who are the criminals here? Five guys on the Supreme Court, that's who. However, they may think they have finished off Citizens United and the great unwashed? Not a chance . Shortly, we're going to soon see another united front of crazed citizens fighting all the endless political crap filling the airwaves.
Perhaps we could start the punishment ball rolling by locking the Supreme Court justices (who voted for these corporate persons special election prerogatives) by locking them in a special room. We could then force them to listen to political commercials 24 hours a day - in effect, just a few short hours less than the average American will have to endure.
And what have these five guys wrought? Cui Bono? The people? Hardly. The media companies will now get mega richer. In effect, the funds will flow from GE to GE from mega company to their own media subsidiaries. So, if you own media companies you, your corporate person self, can donate to candidates, get a tax deduction, and then get your money back and much more via airtime sales. Wow, what a deal, almost as good as a private central bank able to create money out of thin air and disperse it to their buddy shareholders i.e., a really good example of a real crime these same media companies refuse to discuss.
For now, with no potential on the horizon to limit political commercials or limit campaign seasons to 90 days, we may have to give up watching and listening to our favorite TV and radio programs as the political commercials begin to repeat in our brains even while asleep a horrifying, tinnitus-like, ailment for which Big Pharma purposely has no cure.
What is really happening here is "free" speech propaganda by the richest people and organizations in the world who, with their editorial control of media, easily refuse to air other opinions particularly those dangerous to their profits and prerogatives.
Wow, what a system, its one Joseph Goebbels could barely have dreamed possible unless fascism was finally complete.
So what this less-than-supreme-court has set into motion is a great, appalling, and torturous propaganda machine one in which the rich have all the marbles, all the bullets, all the editorial force, and all the producers and "journalists" afraid for their jobs. All this against those who cannot afford the media buys and/or whose content is deemed unacceptable to the ruling elite overseers.
In this happy plutocracy we will be bombarded with "reform" messages and anointed corporate-cash-rich candidates mounting little or no threat to the status quo. In effect, we will be watching a real-life Truman Show unfold in which the people as a whole don't get it and who, as a result of the mind-numbing "free speech" onslaught, begin spouting slogans freshly made for their little minds.... while serving tea.
One thing we wont see and hear about are the criminals behind the "global governance" movement busy plotting a global gulag by manufacturing crisis and then using crisis to further their fascist ends. No, all that, and any talk of a National Initiative, Public Central Bank, or Editor Freedom will be safely invisible and our attention will be programmed accordingly.
Welcome to new world of free speech, in which you have none but can't escape the really big speech freedom given to others. Enjoy your summer, winter, spring and fall of pasty-face hypocrisy, of suit-and-tied arrogance, and the stench of insincerity and duplicity.