FOIA Release of 3,160 Electronic Records of The WTC Collapse Investigation was the highest resolution release that I know about.
information.txt files reads
"Enclosed you will find a disc that contains 8,910 files............... We are However, witholding 3,370 files. The NIST Director determined that the release of this data might jeapordise public safety."
This torrent is 26gb in size and contains approximately 3,160 files, mainly photos and a few videos.
Most of these photographs are taken from film-based slr cameras and scanned and sent to nist.
Whats most interesting about these photos is that the aerial NYPD photos above the burning trade centres are of low resolution even though they were definitely using film-based slr cameras, they clearly don't want you to see too much there.
What's even more startling is that there are NO close-up photos of the "collapse" of WTC 1,2, OR 7. There are numerous angles of the WTC photographed and not a single photo of the collapse. Only 1 photo showing the VERY beginging of the collapse, which shows what might be an explosion flash many floors below. Clearly NIST is hiding the collpase photos as you would be able to see explosions too easily.
NIST haven't released the NYPD-chopper footage in this FOIA request which would likely show the demolition of the towers. We need to get this complete footage!
There are no explosion flashes throughout any of the photos even though on video hundreds were seen throughout the 1-2hrs that the towers were standing.