TRUST THE LIES NOT THE 'TRUTH' | black and white | Thomas Guest ...1024 Ã-- 580 - 341k - jpg
(Image by Details DMCA
"There is no political solution to an oligarchy which owns the entire political system, but the oligarchy cannot rule without its propaganda machine. Public trust in the mass media is plummeting. The closer we get that trust to zero, the greater the possibility that we can build a healthy world uninhibited by the manipulations of a few sociopathic billionaires. There’s a century of high-budget research & development feeding into the science of these advanced social manipulations, & an unfathomably powerful class with a vested interest in keeping those manipulations up &running. But since the oligarchy rules by creating the illusion of freedom and democracy using propaganda it is by far the weakest point in its armo r, & with the democratization of information available to our society via internet access a populist information rebellion could kill all public trust in the lie factory."