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29 hours a week max?

Message Robert Smith
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Guess What!
The late great state of Virginia
has decide to make war on it's employees.
Gov. Bob McDougnuts
has asked the legislature to limit all hourly workers to twenty nine hours a week.
Just so the state can keep from paying for health insurance under the Obama Care fiasco.
First lets get Medicare for all and do away with death panels who cancel health insurance whenever the insurance companies might have to pay for care.
Then lets get a general strike to make sure Wal-Fart and others do not follow the lead of VA. Sit down, don't spend except for necessities and refuse to stand back up until VA cancels this insane idea.
Lets throw out both for $ale political parties and start looking at what they do instead of what they say they are going to do someday.

Bob Smith USN RET
Former Green Party
Candidate for Congress
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A retired Navyman who has ran for 1st. District of Tennessee as a Green with a primary plank of Impeaching Bush/Chaney and a secondary plank of listening to and serving people instead of corporations. He now has accepted the position of FOAVC (more...)
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