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Promised In the Talmud and Declared By Balfour

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The Jews are still following compensation complaints to the Holocaust which preceded the Balfour Declaration.

Another question that I am also looking to answer : what guarantees we have that if the Jews one day liked some island or estate, instead of buying, they will produce a verse or a chapter in the Torah that gives them the right to take it over ?

I have read the following text quoted from Schalchan Arach, Chosen Hasisxpat 348 (An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principals of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality if profitable for himself or to the Jews in general).

Then I asked myself, could this have been the guiding principle of Bernard Madoff in Wall Street? Or my bigger question could this be a guiding principal of more undiscovered Madoffs?

Then I come to my last and most difficult question: The evangelical and fundamental Christians have been heating up the American public to support Israel on the basis of the return of Jesus at the turn of the century, the Millennium. The Millennium passed and people were concerned about their computers more than the return of Jesus.

Now the other Millennium is 991 years to go, what else fundamental Christians have to support Israel? Should the American people spend the next 991 years waiting for Jesus' return and supporting Israel and making enemies on that basis or should they be concerned with a stable economy, unemployment, energy supply,peace and good realtions with the rest of the world?

Some common sense and wisdom please

Hamad S Alomar

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