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Kevin Gosztola: Which story will the corporate media choose to saturate their airwaves? Which news story will the corporate media choose to beat around? What does this continue to prove about our nation's media? 3 3 Comment Count
Rob Kall: Poll: Who Is Most Likely To Replace Tim Russert? Who do you think is most likely to take over at Meet The Press, doing the job formerly done by Tim Russert. I'm not asking you you'd LIKE. I'm asking you do you think is most likely to get the job. There's plenty of speculation. 22 22 Comment Count
Paul Kruger: Is the news media doing it's job? After the reading of the articles of impeachment in Congress I went to the major media's web sites, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN etc. and could not find any single reference to this news. It got me thinking about other "news" and the strange twists often applied to a single news item depending on the source. If news is supposed to be factual, how can there be different versions of the same facts? If there are no set facts yet, is it news or is it speculation? If it is speculation shouldn't people be told that what they are hearing is not news but an opinion, pending facts? Why are news outlets helping to cover up many of the President's blunders, lies and crimes? Is the news media doing it's job or is it putting profits and "entertainment" ahead of gathering and reporting facts about important subjects? 8 8 Comment Count
Rob Kall: Is Obama's Commitment to Support Israel a Vote Killer? Obama came out strong at AIPAC, for Israel. How did his statement of his position affect you? 45 45 Comment Count
Rob Kall: Will Impeachment Hearings Help or Hurt Obama and Democrats This Year? Dem members of congress all answer that impeachment hearings would hurt Democratic chances this fall. Do you agree. This poll is also part of an article 35 35 Comment Count
Rob Kall: Scott McClellan; Good Guy or Jerk Scott McClellan's new book is getting a ton of attention. It was obviously vetted and approved by the Bush admin, so there's no serious dirt in it. But the media is going crazy over it. Will it make a difference? Is there anything worthwhile, that will change anything in there? Or is he just a jerk trying to make a profit by pretending to be telling some new truths? And please comment on your vote and on Scott. 28 28 Comment Count
Lance Ciepiela: What Really Happened to WTC 7? WTC 7 was not hit by an aircraft on 9-11 but the 47 story tall concrete and steel skyscraper "buckled" at the top, penthouse first, then came straight down into it's own footprints at free fall in a mere 6.5 seconds. This buidling was never even mentioned in the 9-11 Commission Report, and neither NIST nor FIMA have officially explained the collapse itself. So what really happened to WTC 7? 15 15 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Making it easier for alternative candidates and alternative parties to get on a ballot #1 Do you believe that your state needs to make it significantly easier for alternative parties and alternative candidates? 1 1 Comment Count
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Using the phrase "pigeons coming home to roost" Is using the phrase "pigeons coming home to roost" ever acceptable when referring to events such as those on 9-11 or in the death of John F. Kennedy?
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Media Access for Americans of all classes and groups Do you believe that the state, local and federal governments need to ensure more access time for you and your community than it currently does currently? This goes for all U.S. based radio, TV, Cable, Sattelite and internet.

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