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Herman Cummings: Why I am NOT Voting for Obama A family member of mine had voted for Obama in 2008, with the hope that he would be true to his word and improve life in America. However, he has proven to be a very big disappointment. Below is the family member's letter they gave to me. I will vote November 6th, but I'll vote AGAINST Obama, and not just stay home.

Don Caldarazzo: To the Obamapologists In the know meets the robotic armies of Corporate News-tainted zombies.
Robert Richardson: Commentary on Republican attacks and Obama responses Commentary regarding Republican claims about job losses, and apparent inability of Democrats to mount an effective response
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M. Wizard: Steve Jobs Only Listened to Vinyl Records at Home Interesting article about Neil Young in which he is quoted as saying the below: click here 3 3 Comment Count

Lance Ciepiela: *The U.S. Economy By The Numbers 70 Facts That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To See. 2 2 Comment Count
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M. Wizard: Is Our President a Bona Fide Sociopath? so -ci -o -path/ˈsōs-"ōˌpaTH/ Noun: A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
Steve Klingaman: Michelle Obama Hits One Out of the Park Michelle Obama should have a new title: Campaigner-in-Chief. 1 1 Comment Count
Rafe Pilgrim: Obama to Indict Crooked Bankers? Is a Democrat victory in November more important than prosecuting criminal bankers?

Allan Wayne: Obama Care and the Paste-i-dent of the United States 2, Kut and Paste Komics. To care or not to hair, that is the question.

Allan Wayne: The Paste-i-Dent of the United States Few men can stand the glare of cutting edge, cut-and-paste technology that separates mere candidates from the demigods.
Daniel Geery: Barack writes Daniel; Gets Response The headline of Obama's email reads: "I will never stop fighting!" He proceeds:

Kevin Tully: America: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave and Seething Nest of the Dumbass Racism and ignorance live vigorously and completely content in the diseased brains of many around us. 1 1 Comment Count
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Lance Ciepiela: *The U.S. Economy By The Numbers - 70 Facts That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To See Why is the economy going to collapse? Have you ever been asked that question? If so, what did you say?.. 3 3 Comment Count
Donn Marten: Right-Wing Lynch Mob Closes in on Obama What years of pimping the bogus Solyndra affair couldn't do the fascist Republican machine is now about to accomplish with the inquisition over alleged White House leaks on cyberwars and kill lists. With the insipid media whore of a cadaver that is John McCain taking out his frustration on the black man who kept him out of the WHITE House taking point the devils in the GOP machine are trying to conjure up a new Watergate for t...
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Why Obama will lose unless--unless he beats tradition of high unemployment killing incombents Obama has a lot of money going for it. His foreign policy is supported by too many Democrats and too many Republicans. Here is one basic reason he will likely lose in November; He failed to learn from history. Namely, create jobs, don't lose them!
Russ Baker: Do Republicans Lie More Than Democrats? Here's What's Circulating" Where was Obama really born? Well, where were thousands of Floridians really born? We take a hard look at those email rumors circulating--and at the "truth" issues not getting enough of our attention.
Laura Stein: Response to Obama Apologists What left opponents of Obama object to are his actions, not some alleged lack of effectiveness. We feel it is the duty of citizens to judge candidates for office, especially Presidents running for a second term, by their record rather than by speeches promising the sorts of things that the candidate has promised but made no attempt to fulfill in the past. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, and the best i...

Daniel Geery: Michelle Obama Contacts Daniel Geery, Gets Response: Dear Daniel, I have said this before: we cannot do this alone. Fortunately, we have people like you who have built an incredible foundation of grassroots support. 12 12 Comment Count
Russ Baker: Is The Government Holding Back Crucial Documents? Would you like to know what the government really knows about the death of JFK? About 9/11? Other big mysteries? It's "eat your broccoli time!" Here's why you should pay attention to federal policy on releasing--and not releasing--documents. 1 1 Comment Count
Nancy Sheppard: What is the HARP 2.0 that everyone is talking about? The HARP 2.0 mortgage program is meant to help more homeowners to refinance to current low interest rates. The Home Affordable Refinance program 2.0 of 2012 has given permission to homeowners of underwater homes which are more than 125% to refinance. Homeowners with little or negative equity and with really high upside down ration cannot refinance conventionally or even through the firs HARP that was proposed. Another benefi...
M. Wizard: Scientific American Magazine: "Do People Only Use 10 Percent Of Their Brains?" Well, maybe these folks answered the question... 2 2 Comment Count
Alfred McGuire: Barack Obama: The Demagogue Campaigns in Afghanistan Mr. Obama is still out-Bushing Bush. What are Progressives, Independents and Americans of good conscience going to do?
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Leaders and economists in Western nations say they are taking a more pragmatic approach to happiness The USA Needs to follow suit and focus on quality of life along with considering more seriously consequences of bad policies. 4 4 Comment Count

William Cormier: The Obama Conundrum And The Impossible Task of Trying To Exact Truth And Clarity From A Professional Politician Finally, if President Obama is reelected to office, are we to believe that the depth and viciousness of the GOP against the 99% will somehow evaporate just because Obama was reelected to the Presidency? If the same pattern again shows its ugly head, which we know it will, newly elected President Obama will be able to claim that the Democratic Agenda is being sabotaged by GOP Obstructionism and I fear he will begin capitulating... 3 3 Comment Count

Lance Ciepiela: *Will A Sitting President Finally Be Held Accountable For High Crimes and Misdemeanors? Impeachment proceedings begin in the House and the Senate over Obama's brazen use of aggressive military force without congressional authority. 11 11 Comment Count
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Alfred McGuire: Obama Drone Strkes in Pakistan Have Targeted Funeral-Goers and Rescuers Another reason to reconsider any temptation to vote again for Obama.
Steve Klingaman: Health Care Reform Comes to Comics A new comic book presentation of the Affordable Health Care Act emphasizes that a half a loaf is far better than none at all.

Steven G. Erickson: Obama meets with his CIA Jedi Master, George H. W. Bush? Does Obama's very recent meeting with George H. W. Bush and Jeb Bush, involve Obama being given orders from the World's most elite, mouth to ear, no electronic means used? CIA Grand Klan Master, George H. W. Bush meeting with Obama can't be a good sign for We the People. Lot's of strange crap going on. It really is time to pay attention and have a plan.

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