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# Date Link
#1 10/4/2012 Why I am NOT Voting for Obama (Herman Cummings)
#2 9/27/2012 To the Obamapologists (Don Caldarazzo)
#3 9/27/2012 Commentary on Republican attacks and Obama responses (Robert Richardson)
#4 9/17/2012 Steve Jobs Only Listened to Vinyl Records at Home (M. Wizard) 3 3 Comment Count
#5 9/15/2012 A Few Thoughts on Dinesh D'Souza's "2016: Obama's America" (M. Wizard)
#6 9/9/2012 The U.S. Economy By The Numbers (Lance Ciepiela) 2 2 Comment Count
#7 9/5/2012 Is Our President a Bona Fide Sociopath? (M. Wizard)
#8 9/5/2012 Michelle Obama Hits One Out of the Park (Steve Klingaman) 1 1 Comment Count
#9 8/10/2012 Obama to Indict Crooked Bankers? (Rafe Pilgrim)
#10 8/7/2012 Is it worth arguing with people who still support Obama 100%? (Don Caldarazzo)
#11 6/29/2012 Obama Care and the Paste-i-dent of the United States 2, Kut and Paste Komics. (Allan Wayne)
#12 6/26/2012 The Paste-i-Dent of the United States (Allan Wayne)
#13 6/25/2012 Barack writes Daniel; Gets Response (Daniel Geery)
#14 6/23/2012 America: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave and Seething Nest of the Dumbass (Kevin Tully) 1 1 Comment Count
#15 6/15/2012 The U.S. Economy By The Numbers - 70 Facts That Barack Obama Does Not Want You To See (Lance Ciepiela) 3 3 Comment Count
#16 6/11/2012 Right-Wing Lynch Mob Closes in on Obama (Donn Marten)
#17 6/10/2012 Why Obama will lose unless--unless he beats tradition of high unemployment killing incombents (Kevin Anthony Stoda)
#18 6/8/2012 Do Republicans Lie More Than Democrats? Here's What's Circulating" (Russ Baker)
#19 6/8/2012 Response to Obama Apologists (Laura Stein)
#20 6/7/2012 Michelle Obama Contacts Daniel Geery, Gets Response: (Daniel Geery) 12 12 Comment Count
#21 6/5/2012 Is The Government Holding Back Crucial Documents? (Russ Baker) 1 1 Comment Count
#22 6/4/2012 What is the HARP 2.0 that everyone is talking about? (Nancy Sheppard)
#23 5/2/2012 Scientific American Magazine: "Do People Only Use 10 Percent Of Their Brains?" (M. Wizard) 2 2 Comment Count
#24 5/2/2012 Barack Obama: The Demagogue Campaigns in Afghanistan (Alfred McGuire)
#25 4/6/2012 Leaders and economists in Western nations say they are taking a more pragmatic approach to happiness (Kevin Anthony Stoda) 4 4 Comment Count
#26 3/22/2012 The Obama Conundrum And The Impossible Task of Trying To Exact Truth And Clarity From A Professional Politician (William Cormier) 3 3 Comment Count
#27 3/13/2012 Will A Sitting President Finally Be Held Accountable For High Crimes and Misdemeanors? (Lance Ciepiela) 11 11 Comment Count
#28 2/7/2012 Obama Drone Strkes in Pakistan Have Targeted Funeral-Goers and Rescuers (Alfred McGuire)
#29 2/2/2012 Health Care Reform Comes to Comics (Steve Klingaman)
#30 1/28/2012 Obama meets with his CIA Jedi Master, George H. W. Bush? (Steven G. Erickson)

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