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From flickr.com/photos/44550450@N04/29554803662/: The rally against the Dakota Access Pipeline is growing bigger and big, From Images
Identifying the actual enemy who hides far from the front lines By James Giago Davies Who is the actual enemy of the American Indian Tribes, led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, in their ongoing protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline? Is the enemy the militarized police who are using trained attack dogs, tear gas, rubber bullets, and water cannons to thwart-off the growing number of water protectors? Or is the enemy far off, and not really an enemy at all, but a leader who is at the mercy of a society th...

West Already Weaponizing Fake News Finian Cunningham You really know that masses of people are living within a mind-control matrix when the greatest, most pervasive purveyors of fake news denounce others for the practice.And yet they do so without the slightest hint of awareness about their own monstrous hypocrisy. 3 3 Comment Count
Student-led protest in New Paltz, NY, From ImagesAttr
What We Can Do Now: Stop Hate Speech and Violence, Stop Trump We have a President who invites violence and welcomes misogyny. A House Speaker who has tried to eliminate foreign aid. A Senate that will confirm conservative justices to the Supreme Court. We also have each other. This is a collection of resources to help keep our communities safe, including resources on intervening to stop hate speech and de-escalate violence, creating physical safe spaces in your community, volunteering a... 1 1 Comment Count
Anti-Trump Rally 2016, From FlickrPhotos
Photo Gallery of Anti-Trump Protests in NYC  Thousands of people protested against Donald Trump in NYC over the past week. Here are some memorable (and eye-opening) photos taken November 12, 2016 of the protests. The sentiments expressed have not generally been circulated in the media. So I found it particularly enlightening to see just how angry people are, and why.
They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds., From ImagesAttr
Where the Democrats Go From Here: Fight for Economic, Social, Racial and Environmental Justice. The Democratic Party must break loose from its corporate establishment ties and, once again, become a grass-roots party of working people, the elderly and the poor. Welcome the idealism and energy of young people and all Americans who are fighting for economic, social, racial and environmental justice. Have the courage to take on the greed and power of Wall Street, the drug companies, the insurance companies and the foss... 1 1 Comment Count
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau - Macleans.ca, From GoogleImages
Canada goes to war - pretending to keep the peace Canada's new friendlier Trudeau government is drawing upon U.S. military memes to rationalize its latest intentions to support the U.S. military empire.  The discounted "right to protect" idea and the idiotic "fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here" meme are put forth as reasons why Canada is becoming 'pro-active'.  In reality, Canada is simply a subordinate partner to U.S./NATO imperial ambitions...

Will the DNC Vilify the Messenger rather than the Corrupt/Unresponsive Leadership, the True Cause of Revolution? Berniecrats are going to Philly because they care about: The country and the future of this world Our rigged political system from the toxic money that’s helping destroy our government. Our disastrous foreign trade policies that have seen workers be exploited around the globe under the guise of free trade. Our schools, medical bills and fair wage Our waters, the environment and sustainable energy Po... 2 2 Comment Count
Bernie Sanders revved up the crowd at Penn State University last week., From ImagesAttr
Millennials Poll Shows Sanders' Revolution Reshaping US Electorate The Millennials are the hope of the world, not just the US. If the US continues down the path it is taking today it will spell disaster for the planet. This article shows that there is hope if Sanders will continue his quest for the nomination and not cave in to Clinton’s nonsense argument that he is damaging the Party by continuing to attack her.To create a lasting effect Sanders must not drop out!  9 9 Comment Count
Rock River Times, Rockford Illinois, Endorsement of Bernie Sanders (Ask your own paper to do this as well!) What a great example of a clear, logical and compelling endorsement you could send on to your favorite editors to inspire them to do the same! Two weeks old but absolutely brilliantly done. Cogent points are raised.  Clintons and Obama had their chances to enact real change.  Let us choose someone who will come through with that promise.  If we don't, the chance may not arise again.  
Modern interpretation of Christ driving the money changers from the temple, From ImagesAttr
The "Money Changers" are Alive and Prospering in 2016 America. Watch Heist for the Who, What, When, How and Why! Heist traces the 2008 worldwide economic collapse to the August, 1971 Powell Memo, that called for a money-driven makeover of the U.S. government by big business through corporate control of the media, academia, the pulpit, arts and sciences and destruction of organized labor and consumer protection groups. Powell Memo is the smoking gun of the class war dividing Americans, today.   With clear, fact-driven sto... 3 3 Comment Count
Bernie Sanders, From WikimediaPhotos
In Bernie's America, the people rule As far as Scholars & Rogues Writer Joshua Booth sees things, the 2016 Presidential Election is as much about voting against tyranny as it is voting in a qualified, just and good leader. "There is only one presidential candidate, out of a double digit field, who is willing to stand up to American economic tyranny, vowing to protect civil liberties, disrupt media hegemony, stop the outsourcing of customer service jobs, ... 1 1 Comment Count
Help us Bernie You're Our Only Hope, From ImagesAttr
Bernie Sanders - From Political Science Fiction to a Force Set to Radically Disrupt the Political Marketplace As with Star Wars, the Sanders’ brand, his story, taps into our deepest longings. We want to believe the promise of ‘a new hope.’ We want to believe a better world is possible. We want to believe that by uniting together as a people we can awaken a force that can defeat the dark side.   The Sanders’ story recognizes that there is a ‘Force’ out there that can defeat the Empire... 1 1 Comment Count
Justice isn't blind, she carries a big stick, From FlickrPhotos
Judge Calls For US Marshals and FBI To Arrest Congress and The President On November 28th, 2015, Alaska State Judge Anna von Reitz (Anna Maria Riezinger) addressed an open letter to all federal agents, including the FBI and US Marshals to arrest Congress, the President and the Secretary of the Treasury. She goes into incredible detail on the fraud that has been committed. Anyone who reads this is sure to learn at least something. This has been encouraged to be shared widely. 1 1 Comment Count
disapproval-quotes, From ImagesAttr
Is the 'political revolution' of the 2016 US election - the resurrection of the Vision and Boldness of RFK? Bernie is “uniquely principled.” We can see this in the way Bernie Sanders finances his campaign: through the people. Now, why is it unique to be principled? At the risk of using another religious comparison: Kennedy and Sanders saw the writing on the wall and, much like Belshazzar, they find themselves to be the only one’s that can actually read what the hand of destiny foretells.America’s day... 1 1 Comment Count
Russian Revolution: Bolsheviks in Moscow. Red Guard. Guardia Roja * revolucion sovietica * bolcheviques * milicia * miliciana *, From FlickrPhotos
Fire in the Minds of Men: How the Spark of Revolutionary Faith Becomes an Inferno The revolutionary faith was shaped not so much by the critical rationalism of the French Enlightenment (as is generally believed) as by the occultism and proto-romanticism of Germany. This faith was incubated in France during the revolutionary era within a small subculture of literary intellectuals who were immersed in journalism, fascinated by secret societies, and subsequently infatuated with “ideologies” as a s...

New Study Shows How Climate Change Is Already Reshaping The Earth A landmark study in the journal Nature documents an expansion of the world’s dry and semi-arid climate regions since 1950 — and attributes it to human-caused global warming.This expansion of the world’s dry zones is a basic prediction of climate science. The fact it is so broadly observable now means we must take seriously the current projections of widespread global Dust-Bowlifi...

Washington Post: Democratic Primary Suddenly Seems Less Certain The Democratic Party, whose presidential race has been mostly overshadowed by Donald Trump and the Republicans, heads into the fall with its nomination contest far less certain than it once appeared and braced for a series of events that will have a significant effect on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign.Clinton’s standing has been eroded both by her own shaky handling of the e-mail controversy and by the populist ... 2 2 Comment Count
Content Creators: Friends/Family and Experts Are Most Trusted, From ImagesAttr
Why You are Key to a Successful 2016 Political Revolution in the U.S. Two of major elements for a successful 2016 political revolution in the U.S. will be the increased awareness of the corruption and/or unresponsiveness of our political leaders, via social media, and the subsequent record voter turnout in 2016. According to the 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer, friends and family are the #1 most trusted content creators on social networking sites, therefore you are key to a successful 201... 2 2 Comment Count

Salon: Our Bernie Sanders Moment: This July 4, Remember Only True Independence and Revolution Ever Brings Change One of the things progressives often get wrong has to do with how fundamental change comes about. The standard reasoning is that people are stirred when they hit the bottom of the bottom—a condition of diminished expectations. It takes an economic depression, or a lot of political repression, to prompt people to rise. We need things to get worse before they get better. Let the suffering come.This appears to be an en... 2 2 Comment Count
LA swap meet 2007, From ImagesAttr
Cartier Boss Says Thought of the Poor Rising Up Keeps Him 'Awake at Night' 'Johann Rupert, the multibillionaire owner of the luxury jewelry company Cartier, has admitted to a group of his peers that he fears the poor will rise up and bring down the rich.' When the chickens come home to roost, Cartier will likely create an appropriate pendant. Johann Rupert needs to look on the bright side. 6 6 Comment Count

"We are in a revolutionary moment": Chris Hedges explains why an uprising is coming -- and soon In recent years, there's been a small genre of left-of-center journalism that, following President Obama's lead, endeavors to prove that things on Planet Earth are not just going well, but have, in fact, never been better. This is an inherently subjective claim, of course; it requires that one buy into the idea of human progress, for one thing. But no matter how it was framed, there's at least one celebrated leftist activist, ... 2 2 Comment Count

The Supreme Court Case That Could Doom the Democrats: How the Justices Could Help GOP Rig the Game This week, the Supreme Court opted to hear arguments in Evenwel v. Abbott, a case out of Texas that challenges the ways in which states draw their legislative districts. The longstanding status quo has been that when state governments set the boundaries for legislative districts, they use census estimates of total populations to determine where the boundaries should be drawn so that each district contains roughly the same numb...

Ted Cruz Begs For Federal Relief Money For Houston Flooding After Denying It For Sandy Victims Ted Cruz, the same Tea Party Senator that voted against aid for victims of Hurricane Sandy because it was "wasteful", shows off his astonishing hypocrisy by announcing that he will work with Democrats to "stand as one in support of the federal government meeting its statutory obligations. It turns out that Texas is the biggest recipient of federal disaster relief money in the country, as 46 counties are in a state of emerg... 6 6 Comment Count

MSNBC: Don't Count Bernie Sanders Out The scale of the challenge Bernie Sanders faces is well-established. In Hillary Clinton, he will square off against the most overwhelming non-incumbent front-runner either party has seen since the dawn of the modern nominating process. And while the odds that he'll actually defeat her are vanishingly slim, he may nonetheless be better-positioned than any other Clinton challenger to at least make her break a sweat. The 73-ye... 2 2 Comment Count

Noam Chomsky: "Intentional Ignorance" Fuels American Racism Racism is deeply embedded in the institutions of American life, and has been enabled by an "intentional ignorance" of inconvenient truths, Noam Chomsky says in a new interview. Speaking with the philosopher George Yancy for a feature on the New York Times' Opinionator blog, the linguist and left-wing activist brings his trademark analytical style to bear on America's original sin, examining the deep roots and sordid legacy ... 3 3 Comment Count

Watch Alan Grayson Explain Why Our "Free Trade" Agreements Have Really Been "Fake Trade" After President Barack Obama accused critics of his proposed trade deal of being wrong on the facts, one member of Congress released a lengthy video explaining point-by-point why he believes free trade has hurt the United States and why a new deal would be even worse. After facing vocal criticism from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and other Democrats on his trade deal, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Obama accused t... 3 3 Comment Count

Why a Socialist Running for President Isn't as Ridiculous as You Think Why is a 73-year-old socialist from Vermont running for president when he surely knows he can't win? Sen. Bernie Sanders has decided to take the plunge into forbidding waters for the same reason earlier socialists campaigned for the office: to protest the current order and promote major reforms his rivals either oppose or support only when doing so juices their standings in the polls. Sanders is going to compete in Democrat... 14 14 Comment Count

The Washington Post Should Tell You When Its Columnists Are Paid to Disinform You If you're getting paid to advocate for the destruction of the world as we know it, shouldn't you at least let people know? The Washington Post apparently doesn't think so. The Post regularly publishes columns by Ed Rogers, a veteran of the Reagan/Bush administration turned lobbyist. His most recent column (4/20/15) is an attack on President Barack Obama for thinking that global warming is important: "Incredibly, in Sunday...

Why Hillary Clinton Is Probably Going to Win the 2016 Election Unless the economy goes into a recession over the next year and a half, Hillary Clinton is probably going to win the presidential election. The United States has polarized into stable voting blocs, and the Democratic bloc is a bit larger and growing at a faster rate. Of course, not everybody who follows politics professionally believes this. Many pundits feel the Democrats' advantage in presidential elections has disappeare... 3 3 Comment Count

Some Facts And Solutions Regarding Police Shootings IN THE basement of St Gregory's church in Crown Heights, a Brooklyn neighbourhood where kosher pizzerias compete with jerk-chicken shacks for business, the officers of the 77th precinct are giving away colouring books for children. "Police officers are your friends," the book's title proclaims. Around the city, protests at the decision not to prosecute the officer who choked Eric Garner to death suggested that plenty of New Yo...

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