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Joe Biden's Israel Policy Is Really About a Deal With Saudi Arabia Biden's plan of coddling Israel to cozy up to Saudi Arabia is right out of Donald Trump's playbook — but even worse.  In addition to the moral calamity — on full display as Israel bombed Palestinian refugee camps in Gaza — it has also exacted a political cost, damaging his relationship with his base and swing state voters. Critics have attributed Biden’s disastrous handling of the war to inco...
Almamater., From WikimediaPhotos
Celebrating Seder at Columbia's Gaza Solidarity Encampment The student protest in the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University, where I work as a journalism professor was a most fitting setting for a peaceful, focused, and deeply moving Passover seder.  (The student leader said)“As we move through this seder...we will be exploring what it means to celebrate Passover during an ongoing genocide, what it means to tell stories of Jewish displacement and persecuti...
I Changed My Mind: Palestine and Israel And so Israel lost all its glory in my mind. The daily violence, the vice like grip of control on the Palestinian people is inexcusable. One story stands out in my mind from last year, that of seven year old Rayan Suleiman who collapsed and died of a heart attack while being chased by soldiers. Can you imagine being a kid, running for your life from adult soldiers with guns?! Dying of terror...a call for peace is often merely...
COVID Pandemic Made the Rich Even Richer -- Wait Till You See What the WHO Is Planning Next "It amounts to perhaps the most infallible wealth concentration scheme in history. The general model proved itself during COVID-19, orchestrating the largest wealth transfer on a global scale, from poor to rich, the world has seen.  "Rather than fiddling around with sanitation, nutrition and the endemic infections that kill people, international public health is now concentrated on hypothetical but far more profitabl...
Election cockroaches, From FlickrPhotos
How to Steal a US Election: Trump's New Threat The issue isn't who will run against Trump but how he will steal the election if he can't win it. Nothing is off the table. We're in a new era where Election Day is dreaded instead of enjoyed or at least suspenseful. Patriotism is so difficult these days and I wonder how long before my lackadaisical, well-nigh silent suburban life style will vanish in the path of nightmarish scenarios.  Now on to what Lawrence Le... 2 2 Comment Count
Julian Assange, From FlickrPhotos
By continuing the persecution of Julian Assange, Biden jetissons the 1st Amendment In early 2024, a new, grim chapter may be written in the annals of journalistic history. Julian Assange, the publisher of Wikileaks, could board a plane for extradition to the United States, where he faces up to 175 years in prison on espionage charges for the crime of publishing newsworthy information. 1 1 Comment Count
'14th and 15th Amendments: African-American Citizenship and Male Suffrage' by Jim Huang Powell (2000) -- Tennessee State Capitol 2014, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Why are U.S. courts afraid of the 14th Amendment? Because it's radical. By Sherrilyn Ifill Consider the recent ruling upholding former president Donald Trump’s appearance on Colorado’s 2024 presidential ballot. Here we have the latest entry in a dismaying 155-year tradition of American judges stripping that radical amendment to the U.S. Constitution of its intended power. Section 3, of the 14th amendment bars any participant in a rebellion against the government of the United States from ho...
Turkey, From PixabayPhotos
This Thanksgiving, don't eat turkeys. Try honoring them instead Approximately 46 million turkeys are slaughtered for Thanksgiving, and this year the suffering of the industrially farmed birds is compounded by the return of avian flu. The appalling cruelty endured by turkeys and other animals on industrial farms is an affront to our humanity. A national survey  found that 70% of poultry consumers were opposed to denying birds access to the outdoors, and 63% opposed the c...
Trump, From FlickrPhotos
Media Underplay Risks of Trump Victory in 2024 Margaret Sullivan of the Guardian blames the media for underplaying the risks of a Trump victory in 2024 even as it reports extensively on polls predicting his substantial lead over Biden in four of the five swing states.  Sullivan writes that "It’s now clearer than ever that Trump, if elected, will use the federal government to go after his political rivals and critics, even deploying the military toward th... 1 1 Comment Count
Peace, From FlickrPhotos
The Nothingness of a War Consciousness Former Congressman (D-OH) and Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich depicts the futility of war as a solution to enmities, focusing on the abhorrent violence that has plagued Israel and Gaza since October 7. An eye for an eye is turning the whole world blind.
Israel's Solution to Gaza: War on Iran The four reasons that Jim Kavanagh predicts an Israel-instigated but US-embraced war on Iran:   1. A military attack on Iran has been an Israeli demand for at least fifteen years, in active preparation by the U.S. and Israel for at least six years, and was already ordered by the president. 2. Congress wants it.  3.  The U.S. is accumulating military forces in the Eastern...
Just before the Attack: How Gazans Felt about the Way Things Were A recent poll of Gazans conducted between September and October 6, 2023 reveals how Gazans felt about Hamas, their economy, and possibilities for peace in their region just hours before the attack on Israel. Ezra Klein interviews Amaney Jamal of Princeton University and the Arab Baromenter, who engineered the poll. 1 1 Comment Count
Edwin Starr - War (Original Video - 1969) Original video of Edwin Starr singing his famous song: .War. [Original Music video from 1969] Originally written under the Motown ..., From YouTubeVideos
The Issue Is Immaturity Duane Elgin suggest that it may well take until 2060-2070 for a massive collapse on multiple levels to make us really re-think what we've been doing on planet Earth. A transformation at the deepest levels of humanity's being.
Bernie Sanders by Gage Skidmore., From WikimediaPhotos
Over 375 Former Bernie Sanders Staffers Urge 'Ceasefire Now' Resolution We, the undersigned, worked for you in your 2016 and 2020 campaigns because we share your principles that all human lives are precious, and that all people deserve dignity, peace, and justice.  Throughout your career, you have spoken with moral clarity on the issues in Israel and Palestine. We saw you bring the truth of the Palestinian reality under military occupation to the forefront in both the 2016 and 2020e...
Dennis Kucinich, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
How to Stop the War(s)- Dennis Kucinich If you are opposed to continued US involvement in wars which are percolating globally and which threaten to ensnare our country, jeopardize our troops and ruin our economy, please read this article. President Biden and Congress this week, in separate funding attempts, will likely pursue money to  fund wars against Ukraine and Gaza, and to intensify further actions which could start wars against China and Iran.&nbs...
Opinion: Prof. John Mearsheimer is Wrong About Ukraine Political science Professor John Mearsheimer has been making some outlandish claims with regard to the war in Ukraine. He believes that Russia was defending itself from the West by invading and annexing parts of Ukraine. He claims that Russia saw NATO's expansion as an existential threat to the state's survival
Bill Gates Pushes Digital ID for Newborns in Kenya as Critics Warn of Surveillance Risk "According to Biometric Update, Maisha Namba is “expected to address different challenges such as identifying and authenticating citizens, safeguarding primary registration documents such as birth certificates and national identity cards and improving the management of social programmes and government operations.” "The identification number attached to Maisha Namba “will also be used to register for gover...
"The World Has Rarely Been Closer to Disaster" America Must Prevail on Its Ally to Step Back From the Brink BY  MARC LYNCH October 14, 2023  MARC LYNCH is Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University. An Israeli ground campaign has seemed inevitable from the moment  Hamas breached the security perimeter surrounding the Gaza Strip. Washington has fully backed Israeli plans, notably refraining from ur...
Middle East conflict, From FlickrPhotos
Some Gazans Seek a Path Away from Hamas During the last year of the Trojan War, according to Homer in the Iliad, both sides agreed to allow the two who started the war, the Trojan Paris and the Greek Menelaus, fight each other to determine the outcome. Paris was spirited away by Aphrodite, to Helen's arms in a venue that had provoked the entire outrage, so that the solution by both sides came to naught and war resumed, bella, horrida bella (war, awful war). ...
Donald Rumsfeld's Ghost About My Known Knowns Recalling Donald Rumsfeld's famous statement, Edward Curtin reprises clandestine acts that have served to change the very structure and function of not only the US but the world as well.   These events took place, Curtin says, "in the interests of further establishing a biosecurity state".   These inoculations are having their effects.   “'Ancestral voices prophesying war; ancestral...
EU symbol, From FlickrPhotos
Why can't the EU power ahead with green subsidies like Biden's? It isn't just political procrastination Unlike their US counterparts, EU policymakers still face the roadblocks of no money and no common treasury, says economist and author Yanis Varoufakis. German-made electric cars are ineligible for the up to $7,500 subsidy that cars assembled in North America will benefit from.
IhaveadreamMarines., From WikimediaPhotos
March on Washington's 60th Anniversary - Photos From an Epic Civil Rights Event So many scenes from the August 28, 1963, March on Washington are now familiar to so many of us and the cadence of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech is so much a part of the national consciousness it’s easy forget that for the hundreds of thousands of people who marched and rallied that day, the event was wholly, thrillingly new. There had been, of course, other civil rights pr...
Trinity's Shadow Edward J. Curtin:   Years ago I started my academic life by writing a thesis entitled “Dealing With Death or Death Dealing.”  It was a study of the transformation of cultural symbol systems, death, and nuclear weapons.  The last hundred years and more have brought a transformation and disintegration of the traditional religious symbol system – the sacred canopy – that once gave p...
Cult directions, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
How Many Indictments Does It Take to Bring Down a Cult Leader? THE REPUBLICAN PARTY has devolved into a cult of personality, where every new piece of evidence of Trump's criminality becomes another reason for his followers to defend him.  The group of whiners and weaklings who are running against Trump for 2024’s GOP nomination are so intimidated by his hold on the party’s base that they are afraid to publicly tell the truth,  that Trump is a thug who should b...
The Day Wagner Disrobed the Emperor Despite the alleged meeting between Vladimir Putin and Yevgeny Prigozhin, and a witch hunt for June 23rd military collaborators, the ramifications of the Ukraine war which among others has seen massive support for Kyiv, and neutral Sweden as well as Finland turning to NATO for security, the psychological toll in the Kremlin and army was present before the mutiny. My article discusses this. 
Stunning AI shows how it would kill 90%. w Elon Musk., From YouTubeVideos
No, AI does not pose an existential risk to humanity In the last few months, there have been a string of open letters from tech leaders warning that artificial intelligence could lead to a ‘profound change in the history of life on Earth’. According to some insiders, AI poses an extinction risk, on the same level as pandemics and nuclear war. I think this scaremongering is nonsense. It plays into popular science fiction tropes about machines conquering humani...
Surgery, From PixabayPhotos
MD Analyzes the State of the Doctor-Patient Relationship The U.S. healthcare system has become "an expensive, impersonal system that is not serving the best interests of either the nation or the people it purports to heal," according to Dr. Henry Buchwald, a revered doctor, surgeon, teacher, healthcare pioneer and patient advocate. While there have been many changes over the last 50 years and some progress with our nation's healthcare, Dr. Buchwald, P...
Daniel Ellsberg, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Daniel Ellsberg, Dying, Has Some Final Things to Say In his final interview, Ellsberg, still fully alert and articulate, urges whistleblowers to continue exposing the truth, though the penalties are dire and he was plain lucky to have gotten off as free as he did -- though not from death threats that streamed at him consistently since his brave and defiant acts way back when. The interviewer deviates in the midst of the interview to discuss whistleblowing and other heroes ... 3 3 Comment Count
The Debt Ceiling Deal: GOP Protects the Rich, Punishes the Poor Michael Hiltzik: LA Times; Diane Ravitcch blog. This  explains how Republicans agreed to increase  the debt ceiling: by cutting aid to the neediest. "The cruelty is the point. More important is what the deal says about the principles of both camps. It freezes discretionary federal spending , most of the programs for which Americans depend on the federal government — at current levels for the next two years, with increases lower than inflation. That me... 1 1 Comment Count
Dave Bradley: School Voucher Law Yet Another Far Right Scam - Network For Public Education As if anyone should be surprised, the law granting vouchers to parents sending their children to private schools appears to be turning into a scam that will take tax dollars from Iowa’s poor and middle class and funneling that money to to Iowas wealthier citizens who can pay for private schools anyway.  Most poor and middle class families do not have any extra money to be paying any tuition. Thus their dreams of es... 4 4 Comment Count

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