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Asia Pacific governments need to do a LOT more to ensure everyone has full access to HIV combination prevention and all people with HIV are enjoying U-equals-U and staying healthy, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, July 25, 2024
Alarm rings in Asia Pacific for not making U-equals-U and HIV prevention accessible to all Please find an article based on latest AIDS data released yesterday by the UN. Asia Pacific region is clearly not on track - rather alarming rise in new infections and deaths in some countries in the region. The article is based on exclusive interview with head of UN AIDS programme in the region.
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Beyond the shadow of stigma: Internal stigma is out of the shadows at AIDS 2024 Please consider an important article on internal stigma (or self-stigma or shame) and why it is important to address it effectively to enhance health and social programme outcomes,
No one should die of AIDS as we have the tools to avert any untimely deaths due to AIDS. Same holds true for advanced HIV disease, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Advanced HIV disease threatens to wither away the gains made in fight against AIDS Please consider an important article on advanced HIV disease. As all people living with HIV can remain healthy (if they receive lifesaving antiretroviral treatment and remain virally suppressed), no one needs to suffer or die of advanced HIV disease (one of the most painful ways to die is cryptococcal meningitis - one of the complications that may occur to those with advanced HIV disease),
Advancing human rights is key bedrock for increasing access to healthcare for all, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Why are key populations on the blindspot in the global HIV response? Please consider the article based on insights from a range of experts - many of whom are from key populations at heightened risk of HIV. People who are more at risk are likely to be left behind by HIV and health services - say experts.
best of health technologies must first reach the most underserved, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 19, 2024
We have more infection-prevention options now but are they actual choices for the people? Please consider the below article based on insights from Mitchell Warren who puts the spotlight on the deadly delays between converting scientific breakthroughs in health - and converting them into public health gains with equity and justice. For example, COVID vaccines were stockpiled by rich nations whereas on other hand there were people in the Global South who had not got a single dose back then.
Put people first means following Gandhi's Talisman, From Uploaded
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 19, 2024
Putting people first means following Gandhi's Talisman Please consider the below article based on sharings by 10 global health experts from a range of specialities including people living with HIV and who have survived TB. We asked what put people first means to them? And the answer resonates with golden words enshrined in Gandhi's Talisman.
Find all TB and HIV, treat all, save lives and stop the spread of both, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, July 15, 2024
Goa to Munich: Growing call for 100-100-100 to end TB and end AIDS before 2030 Please consider the below article based on two important declarations that came out of two separate meetings: Goa Declaration endorsed by people from 38 countries (for accelerated action to end TB by 2030) and Call for 100-100-100 to end TB and end AIDS that came out at Munich's world's largest AIDS conference (AIDS 2024)'s Affiliated Independent Event where 1400+ people participated from 73 countries.
Even 1 TB or AIDS death is a death too many: we can prevent this, we have the tools., From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Will #PutPeopleFirst mantra drive HIV responses? Please consider this article in lead up to world's largest AIDS conference that will open soon. Head of UN agency on HIV/AIDS and India's first doctor who established AIDS Clinic when first case had got diagnosed share insights along with email responses of German Ministry of Health.
Protect the medicines that protect us, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 27, 2024
Timely and accurate diagnosis is the bedrock to stop misuse and overuse of medicines Please consider this important article based upon insights from two experts: one expert never had TB before but got infected with most dangerous forms of TB (extensively drug-resistant TB) and luckily got diagnosed, treated and cured. Another expert strongly argues that unless we can diagnose a disease, how will we stop misuse and overuse of medicines? Early, timely and accurate diagnosis the first step towards using medicines
Remove access barriers so that all of us can access medicines and disease prevention services equitably, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 22, 2024
Another feather in the cap of treatment as HIV prevention Please consider this article based on the latest research study results that shows another powerful medicine that can protect adolescent girls and young women from HIV. It gives a lot of hope to protect people from HIV but also a reminder we need to ensure that these best of treatments reach everyone equitably.
Its time for accountability: Keep the promise to end AIDS, end viral hepatitis and end STIs by 2030, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, June 14, 2024
Are we on track to end AIDS, end viral hepatitis and end STIs by 2030? Please consider this article based on insights from the WHO head of 3 global programmes (HIV, hepatitis and STIs). All governments had made a promise to end AIDS, end viral hepatitis and STIs by 2030 but progress is not on track.
Frontline healthcare workers are a critical bridge between most-at-risk people and health services, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 13, 2024
From the frontlines: Homeless person won over alcoholism, survived floods and defeated TB Please consider the below article based on a real-life sharing by a homeless person who not only survived TB but also had to win over alcoholism and fight one of the worst floods during his treatment. It is worrying that he had suffered debilitating TB symptoms for over a year (without getting diagnosed). His life changed when he got lifesaving help from a frontline community health worker.
Prevent antimicrobial resistance: let us all protect the medicines we have, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Monday, June 10, 2024
Right diagnostic test and right treatment at the right time can prevent antimicrobial resistance Please consider the below article based on a range of interviews with experts on importance of fully using the latest guidelines to stop misuse and overuse of antimicrobial medicines. Misuse and overuse of medicines is making infections difficult to treat or untreatable - this is already ranked among top-10 global health threats facing us today.
Prevent antimicrobial resistance: We cannot afford another global health crisis, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Thursday, June 6, 2024
Protect the medicines that protect us Please consider the below article based on insights from several experts and leaders who are giving a clarion call to protect the medicines that protect us. Antimicrobial resistance or drug-resistance is making simple infections that were earlier easy to cure, untreatable or difficult to treat. Antimicrobial resistance is already among top-10 global health threats. We can prevent it, no excuse for inaction,
Ending tobacco use is warranted if we are to progress on SDGs, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Indonesia is enforcing stronger anti-tobacco measures despite industry interference Today Ministry of Health Indonesia did an important meeting (hybrid - live on YouTube) where several experts shared that despite mammoth tobacco industry interference in public health policy, they are advancing tobacco control and public health. Dr Tara Singh Bam who has devoted over 17 years on the ground was awarded too for the progress made despite and in spite of obstacles and challenges.
Tobacco kills. Do not be duped., From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 1, 2024
Candy flavoured traps to hook the next generation Please consider the below article to mark World No Tobacco Day. WHO has rightly said that electronic cigarettes and other such products are "same deadly nicotine in different packaging",
End tobacco to end TB, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, May 3, 2024
The deadly intersection: TB and tobacco smoking co-epidemics in Indonesia Please consider an important article in lead up to 2024 World No Tobacco Day by noted public health expert Dr Tara Singh Bam, on deadly synergy between TB (deadliest infectious disease globally) and tobacco use (most preventable cause of death worldwide). It is imperative to address tobacco use if we are to end TB as promised by world leaders.
Unpaid care work done by women impedes gender equality and human rights, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, May 3, 2024
Whither social justice and decent work for women? Please consider the below article on May Day or International Workers' Day. The invisible labour at work or unpaid care work that is majorly done by women - without recognition, rights, or fair sharing with men, also puts them at higher risk of violence, and impedes gender inequality and human rights. The economic value of this unpaid care work is US$ 10.8 Trillion if it was to be paid at minimum wage.
Eliminate diagnostic delays if we are to end TB, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Friday, April 26, 2024
After months of diagnostic delay, a migrant worker could access TB services only when a community health worker met him Please consider the below article based upon a personal testimony of a migrant worker who works in a state with highest TB rates among all the states of India, and country which is home to world's highest TB burden. But even then, he could not get his TB diagnosed for over 3 months - during which he suffered and infection kept spreading (which could have been prevented with early and accurate diagnosis).
Even 1 TB or HIV death is a death too many, From Uploaded
SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, April 3, 2024
The chasm between TB and HIV continues Please consider the below article based on insights from global health leaders in the past 2 decades on TB and HIV joint responses (as people with HIV are at high TB risk, and TB is the biggest killer of people with HIV). Despite TB being preventable and curable, how is this acceptable?

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