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Mark Karlin is founder, editor and publisher of BuzzFlash.com, a website providing headlines, news and commentary to over five million people a month. He is a gun control activist with a focus on Illinois.
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, June 14, 2010 How the Reagan Revolution Succeeded: Strangling Government in a Bathtub and Destroying Public Services
Message to Obama, the dike has broken and the deluge is drowning what is left of American government, particularly at the state and local levels, and Grover Norquist is seeing his dream realized of seeing the public good breathe its last breath as its head is held under water until it breathes its last gasp.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 27, 2010 Throw the Top BP Executives and Its Two SubContractors in Federal Prison Until the Gulf Well is Capped and Damages Paid
We think imprisoning the 15 officials from the three companies would result in a timely stopping of the horrific amounts of oil polluting the Gulf and eventually the Atlantic Ocean. After all the corporations are people -- the Supreme Court ruled in January -- so let's apply the law as it should be applied under the concept of Corporate Personhood.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 9, 2010 The Lies of "Conservatism" and the "Center" are Immoral
The created fiction of the "center" is used as an excuse for inaction on behalf of America's obscenely wealthy interests. The "center" is ever-moving, if only we had the leadership that was unbought to move it toward our aspirations and dreams, and to take advantage of the great skills of the American people.
SHARE Saturday, January 23, 2010 Two Supreme Court GOP Coups Bracket a Decade
For America, it's been a decade of two Supreme Court coups that have stolen democracy and replaced it with something akin to activist right wing judicial rulings on behalf of the oligarchy that pulls the strings in D.C. Will we sit back and passively accept that corporations have the same rights to elect our government as people do?
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, January 8, 2010 Who Says a Terrorist Attack Has to be In an Airplane? How the GOP Threatens Our Lives
Republicans endanger America by trying to score political points and forgetting how vulnerable we are to foreign "cell" attacks on the ground, but also the GOP and its media shills foment domestic terrorism that is an equal threat to our lives.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, January 7, 2010 Terrorists and Their GOP Enablers Who Terrorize Us
The GOP wants to be the megaphone for the terrorists, turning America into a mass of quivering jelly so that they can assume dictatorial powers, as Cheney and Bush did. If you doubt it, just catch Dick Cheney on one of his FOX interviews to understand this syndrome.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Harry Reid: Speak Wobbly and Carry No Stick
Don't believe any rumors about Reid promising to sink the Stupak Amendment or including a stronger Public Option in the joint reconciliation bill with the House.
Harry swings like the wind, buffeted by forces from all sides that he has no inherent ability to keep in line.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 12, 2009 Once Again, Jon Stewart, Decimates FOX's Credibility and Makes Hannity Confess
It was with hearfelt thanks that we saw Stewart bring FOX to their knees, actually forcing them to admit that they had used footage from a spring Teabagger rally to make Michele Bachmann's latest freak show gathering in D.C. appear much, much larger than it was.
SHARE Wednesday, October 28, 2009 Vigilance: The Public Option Could Easily Unravel Yet
Don't think anything is over. The sabotage efforts against the government option are in full swing in D.C., you can be sure. Vigilance and a loud, demanding voice are the best option for those who advocate the consumer option.
(12 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 1, 2009 Dems in Despair Finally Find a Champion Who Won't Back Off Defending Sanity: Unlikely Hero Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida
We despair that too many Democratic senators (and Blue Dog House Representatives) not only don't have the courage of their convictions; they may not have any convictions other than getting campaign contributions from Big Money and Big Corporations. But Grayson stood up for the people of America over the corporations and corporate media in putting the facts, not the fictions, on the table -- and not backing down.
SHARE Thursday, August 27, 2009 FOX Won't Fire Glenn Beck: Here's Why
FOX is Rupert Murdoch's main vehicle for ensuring the continued and unquestioned greed of the corporate ruling class, and Beck is the most successful gutter carnival barker in terms of churning up hateful and igniting emotions that they have. He touches something so evil and primal in the chronically confused and white-firsters that he makes Hannity appear civil.
(4 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Wanted for Murder: Antonin Scalia
Scalia was one of just two written dissenters (along with his puppet, Clarence Thomas), who ferociously challenged the notion that the Supreme Court should ensure that an innocent man not be put to death.
(57 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 5, 2009 Isn't It Ironic Orly Taitz, "Birther" Leader, is Foreign Born and Raised Making Lunatic Claim Obama Wasn't Born in U.S.?
The birther movement is full of malcontents--anti-Semites, skinheads, political malcontents, white firsters, and a radical right wing Jew--in the case of Taitz, I speculate--who fears for Israel (in Netanyahu paranoid style) under Obama. The birthers are a group of psychos who would be shooting each other if they didn't share a common hatred of Obama and the fear of America becoming a nation where whites are in the minority.