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Retired ('92)after working for every Administration since Truman, with the exception of the last 3 administrations. Mainlining golf is a major addiction, along with grandchildren, travel, great books, and the leisure to really absorb it all. A policy wonk with a penchant for supporting issues including but not limited to: modern monetary operations, industrial hemp cultivation, wave energy powering the Gorlov helical turbine to replace most fossil fuels used to generate electricity, cultivation of industrial hemp to replace cotton and other inferior products, as well as thousands of other products normally produced with petroleum by-products.
I firmly believe in the following: "In the absence of freedom there is no creativity, and in the absence of creativity, there is no progress." RB 1972
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, October 23, 2017 Why I am so tired of "doing the Semmelweis"
When experts inform the general public of irrefutable facts and the public ignores the warning, the public deserves the misery it suffers for not paying attention. Hand washing is still rejected as a practice that eliminates the spread of contagion. Monetary Sovereignty is an economic status that can provide society with all the resources it needs to eliminate income inequality. Yet, politicians refuse to inform the public.
(3 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 30, 2017 Tax Reform: A 1099 for America's Suckers
The indisputable ignorance of Americans about their own money, the dollar, could fill volumes. This article provides basic irrefutable facts on Americas monetary status in the world, why taxes don't pay federal bills, and why our government never needs revenue per se to fund itself. It also explains why deficit spending is a must in our fiat currency world.
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, August 17, 2017 Do you know what "unsustainable" means? If not, it's costing you money.
Federal debt is not the same as household, business, state debt. Only the Federal gov can issue new dollars. Other entities must earn or borrow dollars. Therefore, it is a LIE to claim that dollars which can be issued ad hoc will somehow no longer be issued to fund the Federal Gov. This also means the Federal Gov. never has debt in its own currency. It has savings.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, October 28, 2016 Paul Ryan: He's the Fiscal Policy Illiterate in the Congress
Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House of Representatives lies about deficit spending and national debt. He knows but will not publicly admit to the indisputable historical fact that since 1971-73 the Federal Government has never needed to tax or "borrow" to fund the Federal Government's expenditures.
Alan Greenspan told him in 2005 the U.S. which is sovereign in its own currency can create all the dollars it needs to fund itself.
(5 comments) SHARE Tuesday, September 6, 2016 Stop the Fiscal Policy Illiterates.
Refuting Maya MacGuineas' screed on debt and deficits. She belongs to the genus fiscal policy illiterati.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 13, 2016 Money Is Not a Physical Thing
So many Americans fail to understand what "money" is they accept the demagoguery of fascist ideologues like Peter G. Peterson, Speaker Paul Ryan, and most of the Congress that it is something the Monetarily Sovereign U.S. government can run out of. It can't run out of its own currency created from "thin air."
(25 comments) SHARE Friday, January 2, 2015 Did This Really Happen?
Has the GOP finally decided to end the decades old con that the federal government must tax and borrow to spend?
(4 comments) SHARE Monday, April 2, 2012 Stop The Lying About Federal Tax Policy
Tax policy should serve to only manage aggregate demand. It cannot logically be a new source of revenue for Federal Government spending.
Government must first spend dollars into the economy before it can tax or borrow those dollars. The Federal government is not constrained by revenue to spend.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, February 5, 2012 Strange Fruit Redux?
Rove and Norquist fighting Voter fraud or promoting voter suppression to even the odds, while at the same time risking social discontent over the disenfranchisement of some and the benefit of others in a tinder box of economic and social deprivation.
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, February 3, 2012 Federal Taxes Don't Pay For Anything
The gold standard monetary system is dead. Yet, all of our erstwhile leaders continue to make policy based on these outmoded rubrics.
They don't know that we can't go broke, and that federal taxes don't pay for anything. A sovereign currency nation is not constrained by revenue to spend. Taxes are stabilizers for aggregate demand, not revenue. Same for borrowing. Nothing is bought with those funds.
SHARE Wednesday, December 10, 2008 What Should We Know About Methane Hydrate Explosions?
How dangerous is methane hydrate caused by drilliong for oil and attempts to sequester CO2 in rock formations, and especially methane hydrate closer to the surface, like the Perma Frost in the Artic where warming has already had other worrisome effects?