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General News    H4'ed 8/25/14

Operation Rescue Russia and a big "F.U." to Eurangloland

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Remember, the first rule of the 1% is,

When they are down on the ground, stomp them as hard as you can in the face.

So, for the 99%, turnabout is fair play"

Thus, the world's economically oppressed are starting to rise up. It only took hours after Russia's announcement to boycott Western food, that the 85% were happy to give a cheeky kick to the world's occidental mandibles. Latin America, which for 200 years has more or less been a Monroe Doctrine economic and political prostitute for Washington, was the first to go to the media (there are still poor Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, that are US client states -- is it a coincidence it's from these countries where all the tens of thousands of children are fleeing American "democracy" and capitalism -- and not socialist Nicaragua?). Ecuador, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil came out to proudly say they are ready to help Russia. The EU's attempts to threaten these proud, now mostly independent countries is pathetic and denigrating. And since the servile EU cannot pass gas without Washington's permission, the US is implicated too. Sorry Eurmerica, but your genocide of 100 million Native Americans ended some time ago. Take that Cortez! And you Jackson!

Argentina is a major meat and grain producer and added to its official Hell yes Eurangloland, we'll increase our exports to Russia press release that it is reaffirming its status as food supplier to 400 million people at present and the world's fifth-largest (food) exporter.

And then there is Brazil. Is there anything agricultural that this BRICS behemoth doesn't grow? After all, it's bigger than the continental United States and has the tropical climate to grow crops year round.

Next, the Chinese sounded their Buddhist long horns, announcing that they would move into high gear to build a huge, 100,000m2 special cross-border customs zone food market and warehouse complex on their northeastern border, in direct cooperation with their Russian colleagues. When the Chinese decide to do something, it will take them merely months to finish the project and get it launched.

At that point, even Eurangloland's supposed allies began to pile on. Turkey, a key member of colonial NATO and an EU pretender, vocally announced it was ready to increase food exports to Russia. Talk about a slap in the face. Egypt, a loyal Western client state that merrily helps Israel in the genocide of the Palestinians, is ready to go. Ditto Africa, with Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia and South Africa making it public. Just to let Eurangloland know on which side their rye bread is buttered, Belarus and Tajikistan lined up to open the food flood gates to their colossus neighbor.

Even Serbia, which is trying to join the EU, came out swinging at the West. This, in spite of explicit threats from Brussels. Tee hee. Maybe all those thousands of deformed babies and locals, due to NATO's 50,000 rounds of depleted uranium laying around, is starting to get to them, a high price indeed to pay for servitude to the West's Princes of Power. Ahh, uranium 238, the gift that keeps on giving -- for 4.5 billion years.

In addition to this impressive list of countries now unafraid to give Eurangloland a huge, slobbery raspberry in the face, Russia is also contacting Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, Mauritius, Mexico, Mozambique, Paraguay, Peru and Sri Lanka, to sign food import contracts. Now that Russia has become the world's sixth largest gold owner, even surpassing voracious China, as well as sitting on the world's fifth largest pile of foreign cash reserves, more than the United States or any EU country, we can fall back on that ever-so-true adage of American capitalism, m oney talks and sh*t walks.

Then there are all the numerous, unnamed countries, too timid to give Eurangloland a public kick to the cohones, but will happily and quietly fly to Moscow, food export contracts in hand.

In sum, Russia's choice of food and agriculture products to boycott was a brilliant stroke of win-win diplomacy and economics for the world's 85%, and superb strategy to rally them to help join in the decline of Western Empire. This would have all been unimaginable 15-20 years ago, and looking back, maybe even ten years. Today it's food, tomorrow automobiles and next? Americans: continue watching Fox and CNN. Keep your faces buried in the New York Times and the Washington Post. Europeans, keep licking Uncle Sam's blood spattered, Gladio-NATO boots with spineless servitude. It's all coming undone under your noses faster than a speeding Chinese bullet train.

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Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China: Jeff J. Brown is the author of 44 Days (2013) and Doctor Write Read's Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). In 2016 Punto Press released China (more...)

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