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WOW! Our Nation Is Now UNITED Against Obscene Military Spending!

Message Cathy Garger

It's officially now the end of the world as I know it. Never in my lifetime did I ever think I'd see the day when grassroots Republican activists would begin to influence Congress - EVEN Republicans - to cut back military spending.

Now, naturally, we would be quite facile to believe that military monies will actually EVER be cut back to close to nothing. Yet, this is still extremely good rhetoric out of the slimy federal think-tank called the Assoc Press. Even though this is the beginning of yet another new propaganda plan, many will read it and begin to start actually believing we, as a nation, are now all in the same chorus singing the same song, namely: "No, Uncle Sam. You've got enough war toys. You are now being placed on a short leash, right where you belong!"

Granted, regarding this piece, we "in the know" realize this is just intell-written B.S. printed to calm the anxious, fed-up war-opposers... just a tiny bone being thrown at us to keep us quiet and make us believe substantial cuts are just around the bend - while, in actuality, nothing of the sort will actually take place.

Yet, even though we fully acknowledge we are being thrown a tiny crumb bringing us one step closer to the Hope of ending these wars in our lifetime? Nevertheless, this is too rich an opportunity for us to pass up! What this article does is provide us with the kind of talk that needs to be passed along with a shout, not a whisper.

Our new message can now be: EVEN Republicans have woken up and smelled the coffee! EVEN Republicans are now fighting to stop this amoral genocidal slaughter! EVEN Republicans realize that our economy is being wasted on war funding when our nation is struggling to pay for even the most basic of needs!

America, conservative Republicans and progressives are now on the same page regarding the need to cut militiary spending! Wars are wrong - and EVEN the Republicans of Conscience are putting the War Department on a short leash, declaring, in essence: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH already!!!

This is the kind of peace-making opportunity we don't get every day. Americans of Conscience, regardless of political leanings, now stand together in the realization of the wrongness of current military spending.

A new day is dawning, we must exclaim! We are one nation united against this ever-increasing obscene, totally out of control US war economy.

Read the link here.

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Cathy Garger is a freelance writer, public speaker,  activist, and a certified personal coach who specializes in Uranium weapons. Living in the shadow of the national District of Crime, Cathy is constantly nauseated by the stench emanating from (more...)
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