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Catholics Entrust Eternal Life to Child Rapist Accomplice Pope Benedict

Message Karen Fish

Jesus Christ is rolling over in his grave. He told everyone to pray in their closet. Take my closet, please. There are so many Catholic Priests hiding in their closets today that the 10 14 year old Vienna Boys Choir (The Rat Singers) is taping their rectums shut with Krazy Glue.

Joseph Alois Ratzinger is the infallible Pope Benedict XVI leading 1 billion Catholics today to eternal paradise. He spent $125 on a name change. Joseph alias Ratzinger is the brother of Rev. Georg Ratzinger. He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

Bavaria is the largest state in Germany, located in the southeast. Regensburg aka Ratisbona is a city in Bavaria at the northernmost bend of the DanubeRiver. Mirriam aka Mary is the mother of the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam, Yeshua aka Joshua aka Jesus. The SuwaneeRiver is a blackwater river in Georgia and Florida.

Asa Yoelson changed his name to Al Jolson. It wasn't safe or commercially viable to have a Jewish name. In Swanee, Al Jolson sang, "Even though my mammy's waiting for me, praying for me down by the Swanee, the folks up north will see me no more, when I go to that SwaneeShore." One billion Catholic Christians are relying on Pope Benedict XVI to lead them to the eternal SwaneeShore.

Jesus Christ was elected the God of Christianity in 325 AD, although not unanimously, by a bunch of Christian Bishops who thought that Earth didn't move, because the Holy Bible says it repeatedly, at the Council of Nicaea, in Turkey, 1700 years ago. Revisionist History is where humans change history from truth to lies.

Sarah Palin believes that humans and dinosaurs walked the Earth together because her Holy Bible says that Earth is 6,000 years old. Sarah Palin, like George Bush believes that Jesus Christ is commanding her to Crusade against all non Christians on behalf of her God, a Jewish Rabbi. Picture an 85 year old Jewish Rabbi, Jesus Christ in a black coat, black hat and long beard wearing a Star of David, his family emblem, on the cross, in every Church. That would be the end of Christianity.

Human beings are animals. We eat, we sleep, we urinate, we defecate, like monkeys, with whom we share 99% the same DNA. Earth is 5 billion years old. Judaism was invented by Abraham 4,000 years ago. Christianity was invented 2,000 years ago by Jesus Christ. Islam was invented 1,400 years ago by the Prophet Muhammad. The Holy Bibles of all 3 of these religions, recent deadly cults, command the people to kill every man, woman and child outside of the group for God of Mount Sinai aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Yehovah, Elohim, who carved in stone Himself, "Don't Murder", 3,200 years ago on Mount Sinai. Add in nuclear bombs, a pinch of salt, and you have the Apocalypse.

The Christians are eagerly anticipating the Apocalypse. The Muslims, who also have the Old and New Testament as Holy Scripture are also trying to trigger Nuclear World War III because they believe that Jesus will save them and conquer the world for them.

The New Testament was written 100 years after Jesus died in Greek, by Greek bloggers. These Greek bloggers were the grandchildren of the authors of the Greek Myths. In the book of Revelations, Prince Jesus flys down from Heaven on his flying horse to conquer the snake, goat, lion Beast, Devil. In the Greek Myth, Prince Bellerophon flys on his flying white horse Pegasus and drops a hot lead ball into the mouth of the snake, goat, lion Chimera. 2 billion Christians and 1 billion Muslims are going into nuclear world war III and betting their eternal souls on a plagiarism of a Greek Myth, a fairy tale. How could this be? Are we all insane?

Human Beings are ruled and driven by their emotions. We do what feels good now and we don't do what feels bad now. This is the reason for revisionist history. It feels better to think that we and our ancestors were perfect. Add in being brainwashed from birth little babies watching their parents on whom they rely for survival and their relatives and friends performing ridiculous rituals like drinking the blood of Christ and voila, we have vampires.

From 5 billion years ago to 4,000 years ago we all had the same non Jewish, non Christian, non Muslim grandparents. This is fact, not fiction. For 5 billion years our common ancestors went into the light to Heaven without these 3 religions, which didn't exist until a few years ago. The reason that the Christian Bishops had to vote on whether or not Jesus was God was because they couldn't understand how a person could be their own Father and they didn't think anyone would fall for it. Also, in the Gospels, Jesus says that he is not God. Jesus Christ got voted down at the Council of Nicaea 325 years after he died.

Jesus said to a man, "Stop bowing down to me; Get up." "Why do you call me good? There is none good but One, that is, God." (Mark 10:18) (Matt. 19:17). 1 billion Catholics believe that they can only get to Heaven through Pope Benedict XVI, a former member of the Hitler Youth, a Nazi. Now it turns out that Pope Benedict's brother Georg Ratzinger has confessed to repeatedly beating boys at Ettal Abbey in his Regensburg choir with chairs, in the archdiocese headed by the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Pope Benedict XVI, who covered it up, along with the worldwide serial child rape of countless 10 year old choir boys. Pope Benedict was elected Pope by a bunch of humans on April 19, 2005. It's hard to find a good Nazi Pope when you need one.

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Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion makes peace among and unites Christianity Islam Judaism and Everyone else and the Countries they all live in as the first step towards world peace, by tying everyone together with their common threads and resolving all of their differences once and for all.

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