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OpEdNews Op Eds    H2'ed 8/10/16

Trump Goes Off Script In Worst Possible Way

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Message James Wall
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Each time he dips into his pool of irrational thoughts and blurts them out to others, exposes him as untrained, uninformed and utterly incapable of holding any government position where he has any power over human lives.

Some Republican officials have been reported in search of a way to usher Trump out of the nomination. They nominated him; they now desperately need a way to de-nominate him.

Polling shows him headed downward in states he needs to win in November. But do these polls accurately reflect the passions of his angry followers?

If the polls are wrong, and Trump actually wins in November, then we are headed for the sort of national calamities Ghostbuster Bill Murray described as those of "biblical proportions."

Trump has promoted his name brand in business and on reality television. He rode his brand through the Republican primaries. Now, facing the actual task of running the nation, he may be preparing to leave the stage.

Why else would he be talking of the general election being "rigged" against him. Could this be his strategy for a brand-saving exit?

On Tuesday, Rep. Paul Ryan won his Republican primary race to retain his Wisconsin congressional seat. Ryan had earlier "reluctantly" agreed to be House Speaker.

Is it possible Ryan will now "reluctantly" step in to save his party and save the nation from the embarrassment of more Trumpian outbursts?

The clock is running.

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James Wall served as a Contributing Editor of The Christian Century magazine, based in Chicago, Illinois, from 1999 through 2017. From 1972 through 1999, he was editor and publisher of the Christian Century magazine. Many sources have influenced (more...)

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