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October 14, 2009     

Albert Einstein on Capitalism, Democracy and the Media: .ly/3KREZ8

Submitted by Starla Immak
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Where the rub is Starla,: is where scientists who believe Einstein's msg also realize their universities and other institutions of higher learning are funded by right wingnuts and religious fundamentalists. They know that the work they're doing is important, so keep the fact, for instance, that over 85% of them are athiests, secret. But it's a closed loop and this country is depriving itself of the opinions of the most intelligent among us.

In my dreams, I imagine that thousands of OEN readers look at our pieces and the comments to them.

In reality they don't, and the opinions of thousands of ordinary readers could accomplish more than years of congressional testimony by Steven Weinberg, Nobel Laureate and Professor of Physics at the University of Texas.

Submitted on Friday, Oct 16, 2009 at 4:35:57 PM

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