Remember Why We Really Lost In Â'04?
By Allen Snyder
May 30, 2005
According to the conservative-controlled corporate media machine and
assorted annoying right wing-nut flacks and flunkies, it was
committed hoards of evangelical Christians flocking from their pews
that tipped the scales in favor of the regressive regime we now know
as BushCo. The exit polls were skewed, they say, because nothing
could have predicted so many would be so taken by BushCoÂ's Christian
purity and moral uprightness (read: the fact regressives despise
gays, blacks, browns, women, the poor, government programs, and
progress while loving God, guns, and war) that theyÂ'd swarm to the
polls believing the Rapture was in sight.
If true, then BushCo pulled off yet another brilliant
bait-and-switch scam on their most ardent supporters, making them
think their radical social agenda (turning the clock back to no
later than the 14th or 15th Century) would be enthusiastically
enacted when, in fact, BushCo has dropped the whole crowdÂ's crazier
domestic plans like a hot rock, while tossing them an evolutionary
fossil or two. BushCo used the fundies politically because theyÂ're
so easy to manipulate (theyÂ'll believe practically anything) and so
eager to please. It was a match made somewhere just south of heaven.
The fundamentalistsÂ' media-nourished delusions have resurrected
several Â'family valuesÂ'-type creeps ubiquitously waxing psychotic
about the imminent demise of Western/Christian civilization and the
need to pack Federal courts with right-wing, stone-tablet-hugging,
abortion-hating, evolution-despising, corporation-loving ideologues.
Lost in the thick methane fog emanating from this giant pile of Fox-ified
horseshit is the first victim in all such conflicts Â- the truth.
LetÂ's get this straight. BushCo didnÂ't win Â'cause of the so-called
Â'valuesÂ' voters (a misnomer if ever there was one), or the fundie
evangelical Christian whacko turnout (donÂ't you wish they all wore
big neon signs?), or inaccurate exit polls (they were dead on as
They won Â'cause they f*cking cheated.
And they cheated not just once or twice, but systematically,
repeatedly, and audaciously. The signs were there, still are, but
thanks to our useless Â'free pressÂ', we arenÂ't told. Instead of even
feigning outrage at the gross statistical disparities in exit polls
and the flood of reports alleging voting irregularities,
disenfranchisements, and assorted frauds in not just Ohio, but
elsewhere (including Florida Â- surprise!), they went ape-sh*t over
the election fraud in the Ukraine. HowÂ's that for priorities?
There was nary a mention that OhioÂ's anomalies were infinitely
more suspicious than UkraineÂ's, but what incentive do the media
whores have to investigate stories in their own backyards when they
got the outcome their CEOs and corporate boards bought and paid for?
BushCo is, after all, nothing if not the mother of all corporate
Sugar Daddies. Besides, when reporters who ask too-sensitive
questions or tell too-sensitive stories are forced to don a Dunce
Cap, face the corner in journalistic time-out, and threatened to
Â'Take that back!Â', theyÂ're not exactly lining up to challenge BushCo
parade of lies, deceptions, and distortions.
MSNBCÂ's Keith Olberman tried mightily, featuring OhioÂ's fraudulent
results and their Secretary of StateÂ's near-criminal behavior on a
few of his shows, but he was either ignored by the
corporate-controlled cowards or dismissed as a member of the
tin-foil-hat-wearing brigade of conspiracy leftists screeching in
the blogosphere.
After repeatedly force feeding mentally malleable Americans the
Administration line, itÂ's no wonder a population who thinks
evolution is hooey and the world will come to an end in their
lifetime can be made to believe whatever the White House spin-goons
want them to.
So the regressivesÂ' drumbeat of lies and revisionism is echoed by
their sycophantic media outlets; including the major networks and
the big cable stations (is anyone still laboring under the illusion
of a liberal media?), appropriately OÂ'Reilly-ed, till CAT scans
reveal the sanctioned talking points tattooed on the brains of the
susceptible, polls routinely Â'indicateÂ' evangelicals Â'sweptÂ' BushCo
back into office, and leftistsÂ' eyes eventually roll back in their
heads and theyÂ're rendered speechless and damn-near comatose (a
person can only take so much).
This is journalistic and political chicanery of the highest order Â-
donÂ't be fooled by it for a minute. As Orwell noted in Â'1984Â', the
most insidious and dangerous thing Big Brother did was erase the
past. Our forgetting the truth about 2004 only favors that end.
Allen Snyder can be reached at
. This article is copyright by Allen Snyder and originally published
by but permission is granted for reprint in print,
email, blog, or web media so long as this credit is attached