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Hillary Clinton: Can You Say "Machine Politics"?

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Timothy Gatto
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Hillary Clinton has announced that she will run for president in 2008. I wish that she wouldn't. We need another "machine politician" like a hole in the head, and Hillary, if anything, is a machine politician. In fact, Hillary has got the biggest and brightest people that pure party politics can get. Everyone that owes her or her husband a favor will be glad handed and pressed to deliver whatever they can for Hillary. This will make Boss Tweeds tenure in New York look paltry in comparison. I'll also say this, while I admire her husband; she is no Bill Clinton.

Hillary has proven herself to me as the most ingenious human being that ever held office. She has managed to set her career according to every poll out there and come out smelling like a rose. How she could back this lousy war and then have the nerve to say she will overturn all the things George W. Bush has done, somehow doesn't ring very true with me. She has yet to stand up and show any backbone on anything. Why would she deserve the vote? What has Hillary Clinton done for anyone? I remember writing to her and asking her not to vote for the second version of the Patriot Act. She acknowledged my letter with the statement that I wasn't a constituent. Well I lived in Florida at the time, but I had been born in New York and paid taxes in NY and spent 21 years in the military hailing from NY. She lived in NY six months before she ran for Senator.

I don't like her demeanor. She has absolutely nothing to stand on. She has not proposed any landmark legislation or done anything noteworthy as the junior Senator from NY except to vote for many Bush initiatives and cozy up to Joe Lieberman. I don't even believe her to be a Democrat. As far as I'm concerned she's another "Republican light".

So here we are, Obama and Clinton. Sometimes politics gets me sick. Two people that have absolutely nothing going for them except the media, and we'll hear people that should know better, talking like Harvard professors talking about their merits. What merits? Both are shills and both disgust me. They are two people that have name recognition and big time corporate sponsors. Oh, that's right, that's all they need to be elected in this country. Most people don't even know who's running except for Hillary and Obama. It's pretty easy to get elected in a country that votes for whomever spends the most money. That they have, and with the people that vote in this country, that's all they need.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are two great reasons to vote for campaign finance reform. Without those giant corporate campaign contributions that we know they can get, people such as Dennis Kucinich or Bill Richardson don't really have a chance. When money drives the political bus, you can buy yourself a President in this country. Hillary Clinton will always be counted on to go that extra step to prove how "manly" she can be. She is, next to Joe Lieberman, the preeminent "hawk" in the Democratic fold. A vote for Hillary, as bad as it sounds, is a vote for more death. Just so she can show everyone how "tough" she is. Maybe we can all get together in this Primary season and tell these "machine" politicians that we won't accept business as usual anymore. Maybe we can get behind Dennis or someone else with some brains instead of that media "name recognition" everyone touts. We need someone in the Presidency that will make some tough decisions in the next decade. Hillary Clinton isn't that person.
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Tim Gatto is Ret. US Army and has been writing against the Duopoly for the last decade. He has two books on Amazon, Kimchee Days or Stoned Colds Warriors and Complicity to Contempt.

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