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Bush and Rove Wag the Gays - Yes they are Incompetent, but You should Support Them Because They Hate and Want to Discrim

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Steven Leser
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Adolph Hitler was fiendishly brilliant about one thing. Support of a people is easier to obtain if you give them someone or something to hate and blame for their problems. Who or what to select? Well, that is simple. Choose from among the most vulnerable and under-represented groups in society. It helps if at least a moderate segment in society already fears and/or dislikes them.

I am Jewish and the son of a Holocaust survivor. The slogan Â'Never AgainÂ' is in big part about the end result of Nazi policies, the slaughter of six million Jews whose only crime was that they were part of a vulnerable, under-represented minority. But Â'Never AgainÂ' also means to be on guard for the beginning stages of Nazi-like policies so that events hopefully never come close to that again. When a minority, be it Arabs or Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Asians, Gays and Lesbians or any other group is singled out for discrimination particularly by a federal government, my Â'Never AgainÂ' watch goes on full alert.

In its Â'WisdomÂ' the Bush administration has chosen for its main agenda between now and Election Day, the wedge issue of a Gay Marriage Amendment. The title of this article may seem absurd, but that is exactly what we are faced with. The administration has failed in virtually every way imaginable. It has a nearly six year track record of failure. But it is telling us that we should ignore all of that and support them because they hate gays and want to discriminate against them. That is what Bush and Rove have come up with to try to save GOP control of congress. That is the sum total of ideas coming out of the Bush Administration and the Republican Party right now. To put it succinctly using the vernacular, Â"Yes, we suck and you and everybody else know it, but we hate gays, so vote for us.Â"

The 1997 movie Â'In and OutÂ' with Kevin Kline reached its climax when a crowded auditorium of all people claimed its solidarity with a gay teacher by claiming they all were gay, including the teachers very straight and blue collar parents. It is time for the American People to do the same. On Democratic Underground, http://www.democraticunderground.com many of us have changed the graphical avatar that represents us to either a pink triangle, a rainbow flag, or a similar icon of the gay rights movement. In addition, I recommend that everyone in America who is straight and is against discrimination of the type that led to the Holocaust join PFLAG - Parents, Family and Friends of Lesbians and Gays on their website at http://www.pflag.org . I will be joining them this Friday (after payday). I think that the membership fees for a year are only $20 or $30. It is money well spent to stand up and say NO to discrimination and exploitation of a group of people for political gain.
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A political blogger for the International Business Times, Steve Leser is a hot national political pundit. He has appeared on MSNBC's Coundown with Keith Olbermann, Comedy Central's Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Russia Today's (RT) Crosstalk with (more...)
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