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Bush Administration Card Resignation and Shakeups - New Faces, same Hubris and Failed Policies

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Steven Leser
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I'll give this one bone to George Bush, he is right about one thing and that is that change is needed. But what America needs isn't a superficial change like shuffling the chairs of the bit players, we need the resignation or impeachment of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, for starters. We need a change in the congress, throwing out the bums who passed legislation like the Patriot Act that shredded our Constitutional Freedoms. We need to be out of Iraq, we need a stop to warrentless spying and wiretaps, and we need to treat prisoners of war according to the Geneva conventions even if we could make arguments about their status. America isn't about arguing down to the lowest common denominator, it is about assuming the best and being the best, particularly about things like Human Rights.

I hope the American people see this for the insult that it is. Bush and his cronies are obviously hoping that this superficial change will improve his poll ratings. They must really think the American people are stupid. We don't need a new chief of staff, we don't need a new marketing group to sell us the current poor excuse for policies a new way. Crimes, and yes, there is no other way to describe them, CRIMES that this administration has committed will not go away because of new lackeys being hired. The American People are not going to kiss this dirty, smelly pig no matter what color Lipstick this administration puts on it. We need good policies, good leaders and good government and those ideas and the Bush administration are mutually exclusive.
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A political blogger for the International Business Times, Steve Leser is a hot national political pundit. He has appeared on MSNBC's Coundown with Keith Olbermann, Comedy Central's Daily Show with Jon Stewart and Russia Today's (RT) Crosstalk with (more...)
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