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Why didn't Osama hit us after 9/11?

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Richard Mathis
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Why didn't Osama hit us again right after 9/11? We were reeling and he could have done it very easily. For example, instead of some right-wing American terrorists mailing out anthrax to liberal politicians, al Qaeda operatives could have been mailing out anthrax in mass. They could have used any of a number of anthrax strains Reagan-Bush gave to Saddam. Furthermore, al-Qaeda teams of terrorist snipers could have been sniping at will around the country, rather than having been a couple of home-grown maniacs terrorizing D.C.

Maybe Osama is one hell of a better chess player than W., who doesn't look like he could win a game of checkers against Gomer Pyle. Osama has successfully snared W. into a box canyon ambush in Iraq. Not that it was hard to do. After all, the blueprint for what W. would do was released the year before 9/11 the neo-conservative Group for a New American Century. In "Rebuilding America's Defenses" l the neo-cons laid out their plans for American worldwide hegemony. They desired to establish a Pax Americana with the United States acting as the policeman for the world. Their plan was - and is - to rule the world. It is also the objective of certain rightist Christians to have total dominion over the world and to establish one right-wing "Christian" religion, government and economy. Osama and others of his ilk could have easily known American dominionist desires. For example, they could have easily read in Rebuilding America's Defenses that the neo-conservatives objectives would be hard to sell to Americans minus a national catastrophe on a scale with Pearl Harbor. Osama obliged and W. and posse had their excuse to execute their master plan that included the "right" to preemptive strikes.

According to the neo-con blueprint, the first country America needed to conquer was Iraq. We needed permanent military bases in the region as Saudi Arabia was giving us the boot. The oil fields were a definite plus. In addition, nobody liked Saddam. Even if we weren't greeted as liberators, prior to 9/11 the neo-cons believed that it was absolutely essential to show the world that America could simultaneously carry on two wars in different regions. They also wanted to show that America could cut troop strength while fortifying its military might. Technology, mercenaries and economics composed the solution.

Osama and his posse had ample access to knowing what W. and the neo-cons would do following a terrorist attack. He didn't know to do anything else because we would do it ourselves. In their lust for world domination W. and the neo-cons have managed to transform almost universal world support into nearly universal condemnation. Further, W. has managed to divide the country while placing America in a damned-if-you-do-or-don't situation in Iraq. Meanwhile, Osama is still on the lam.

And although Iraq has slowed down the plans laid out in the master plan, W. still appears intent on sticking with the schedule which has Iran high on the list of countries for America to conquer. Or, should we say, another killing field where al-Qaeda fighters can kill Americans without having to come to America.

Finally, Osama has to be truly grateful for W. as having done more to recruit new terrorists than anything Osama has ever been able to do.

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B. 1952, GA, USA. D. To Be Determined. Beloved husband, father, grandfather, lover, confidant and friend of many from bikers to Zen masters; American writer and speaker, known for his criticism of Mammon's unholy trinity of big business, big (more...)
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